Sunday, June 5, 2011

Important Ways To Save A Marriage

By Cicero Julius

Marriage trouble can be very daunting and make you doubt your own thoughts and feelings. When you're in the middle of it, it might be difficult to take a step back, and look at it objectively. However, if you can do that, you will see that there are ways to save a marriage that are not difficult to implement, and that offer lifelong results.

Showing your spouse respect is so important in daily life. When you said "I do", you agreed to share your lives together, but not to enjoy the same exact things every minute of the day. By giving your spouse some room to breathe and be who they were when you married them, you are ensuring that they will come home happier and more prepared to be a partner in your relationship. Time to refresh is good for individuals in any relationship.

Taking care of yourself on a personal level is important on so many levels. When you forget to take time to put on that makeup or wear those special clothes, or even wear that nice cologne you love so much, then you are missing out on helping yourself feel confident and ready to face the world. Pampering yourself gives you the look you need to feel great about yourself and put your best foot forward during the day.

Don't keep your thoughts to yourself. Think of how you feel when you don't know what your spouse is thinking--is it comfortable? Do you feel like you to have to walk on eggshells as it were? Don't put them in that situation, and always share your thoughts and feelings in a calm and rational manner. When they feel safe talking to you, and know you're not going to blow up like a volcano, your spouse will be more willing to discuss their private thoughts and you will become closer as a couple.

Children are amazing and if you have them, you know they add so much joy to your family life. Because they are so involved, they tend to get thrown in the middle of any family problems. Let your children see you communicating properly, even when you're upset, so they know how to handle these same situations when they are older. By using good communication in front of your children, you are showing them respect, teaching them lifelong skills, and letting them know that you care about them as much as you care about each other.

Romance is great when you're dating, but don't forget about it after you're married. Take time to make those date nights and show your spouse how much you appreciate them. Out of all the ways to save a marriage, this is probably one of the most important. Words are easily spoken, but when you show someone that you care and want to make a difference, that can be one of the most powerful of all actions.

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