Friday, June 3, 2011

How To Find A Civil Or Criminal Lawyer In Stroudsburg

By Celina Greene

When one needs the help of a civil or criminal lawyer Stroudsburg, one can call the state bar association and speak with the person who is in charge or attorney referrals. A personal injury attorney represents people in civil lawsuits, for instance when a person has been injured in a car accident. A criminal attorney represents people who, for instance, have been charged with drunk driving.

Never go into criminal court without the representation of an attorney, and never try to negotiate with an insurance company without legal assistance. The laws are weighed against the DUI defendant, and insurance companies try to persuade accident victims to accept less than fair settlements. The attorney is committed to representing a client to the best of his ability.

Attorneys will negotiate a fair settlement for their client who has been injured in an vehicle accident. Insurance companies try to compel accident victims to accept less than fair settlement. This is why accident victims should let their attorney, a skilled negotiator, negotiate with the insurance company.

The laws are stacked against the person charged with DUI. The accused will have his driver's license and will have to appear in court and make a plea to the charge. If the attorney believes his client was wrongfully accused, he will advise him to plead not guilty.

If an individual has been injured in a car accident, the lawyer will negotiate on his client's behalf a settlement that includes medical costs, time lost from work, and money for pain and suffering. Insurance companies have one objective, to pay as little as possible. But, attorneys will offer reasons why the insurance company should settle instead of going to trial.

Personal injury lawyers work on a contingent fee basis, so if they do not win a judgment for their client they do not get paid. This means that they have a financial interest in their client's victory. Lawyers must provide in writing the percentage they will take from the settlement or jury award before they commence representation.

A lawyer Stroudsburg takes a vow to represent his client to the best of his ability. The personal injury attorney negotiates with the insurance company the best settlement for his client who was injured in a vehicle accident. The criminal defense attorney collects evidence that can be used to defend his client against a charge of DUI.

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