Monday, June 30, 2008

Divorcing in Orange County? Do It Yourself.

By Jon D. Alexander, Esq.

If you and your soon to be ex-spouse can reach agreement on several key issues you may be able to spare yourself the added expense of hiring an attorney. The Orange County, California Superior Court provides all of the requisite forms and even an instruction manual that walks you through the divorce process.

You and your spouse are properly suited for do it yourself ("DIY") divorce if the both of you:

1. Have been married for less than 5 years;

2. Agree on how to divide possessions and debts;

3. Do not have kids together;

4. Possess less than $32,000.00 in property together;

5. Owe less than $4,000 (four thousand dollars) together.

If you can answer all of these questions in the affirmative a DIY divorce may be your best option. You can find the packet of forms for your DIY divorce provided by the Orange County, California Superior Court at

Be sure to pay attention to the Superior Court's disclaimer: Packets have been developed which meet filing needs in most circumstances. There may be some circumstances when additional forms (not included in the packet) will be required by the court.

If, on the other hand, you did not answer yes to every numbered item above it's probably time to retain a qualified Orange County, California divorce lawyer. You will no doubt have questions and might require representation. For a free consultation please visit us at and schedule an appointment today.

About the Author:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Divorcing in Orange County? Do It Yourself.

By Jon D. Alexander, Esq.

Should you and your spouse be able to agree on some essential issues you may be able to administer your own divorce, thereby saving you legal fees and the hassle of battling over property. The Orange County, California Superior Court makes available a packet that contains most if not all of the required documentation required to perform your divorce.

The best prospects for a DIY (do it yourself) divorce are those individuals who:

1. Have been married less than 5 years;

2. Agree on how to divide possessions and debts;

3. Do not have children together;

4. Have less than $32,000.00 in property together;

5. Owe less than four thousand dollars ($4,000) together.

If you can answer all of these questions in the affirmative a DIY divorce may be your best option. You can find the packet of forms for your DIY divorce provided by the Orange County, California Superior Court at

Make sure to read the Court's disclaimer: Packets have been developed which meet filing needs in most circumstances. There may be some circumstances when additional forms (not included in the packet) will be required by the court.

If, however, you answered no to some of the items above, it's most likely time to retain a qualified Orange County, California divorce lawyer. You will have many questions and may indeed require representation. For a free consultation please visit us today at to schedule a convenient appointment.

About the Author:

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Divorce Tips For Women To Help Get Prepared

By Allison Thompson

If you prepare before the divorce proceedings actually start you will find that it helps to reduce the stress that you feel. By planning a head you are more likely to make much more informed and sound decisions than if you were to rush into the matter. In order to help you avoid some of the pitfalls associated with this process we provide some divorce tips for women relating to those matters you need to think about in order to be well prepared.

Tip 1 - Make sure you have all the right paperwork together before you actually go ahead with your divorce proceedings. You need to gather all the information you can on accounts that you and your partner holds relating to any assets or debts that you may have either as individuals or as a couple. Also get all the information together regarding bank accounts, credit cards, investments and of course the mortgage. Plus if you can arrange to have your tax statements for the past 3 years along with pay and employment information.

Tip 2 - When preparing to start divorce proceedings know exactly what your financial situation is as this will help you determine exactly how much the marital state is worth. When we talk about the marital estate we are talking about those things which have been accumulated by you and your partner during the time of your marriage. The best way to actually determine how much the marital estate is worth is by taking away all debts which are outstanding from any assets (investments, savings, equity in home etc) you may have.

Tip 3 - Even during the early stages of when you are considering to divorce your partner you should seek legal advice as soon as possible. A good family lawyer will be able to help you better understand the procedures relating to all divorce matters. A good lawyer will be able to help you not only understand the procedures relating to divorce but also will clearly spell out what options are available to you.

Tip 4 - It is crucial that when you are preparing to commence divorce proceedings you ensure that all your taxes are up to date. The last thing you want is more hassle during the closing stages when the divorce is due to be finalized. If you at any stage suspect that, your partner has not been reporting their taxes properly and is likely to be audited at some time then consider actually filing an amended tax return as a married person who wishes to file separately from their spouse.

Tip 5 - Another essential thing that you need to get sorted out before you even start any kind of divorce proceedings relates to life, health and medical insurance cover. In most cases married couples will often take out such policies as a couple rather than as individuals simply because it saves them money. So as soon as you know that you are going to be starting divorce proceedings you should make sure that you have all your own insurance cover in place not just for those mentioned above but also for your home as well as for any vehicle that you have.

By being well prepared before filing for your divorce you will find that you are better able to cope with any situations that may arise. Also it is vital that you take into consideration all aspects of your divorce especially if there are children involved. Although you may be under some considerable stress yourself just imagine what your children are going through as well. By having everything prepared hopefully your and your partner can carry out the divorce in the most amicable way possible.

In order for you to avoid the pitfalls that many women before have faced when it comes to divorce is to be well prepared. If you remember the above divorce tips for women that we have mentioned above then you may find yourself better to cope with the stresses and strains that this situation can put on you.

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Do Your Own Divorce In Orange County, California. Here's How.

By Jon D. Alexander, Esq.

Assuming you and your spouse can agree on some key areas, you may be able to save money on legal fees and handle your own divorce. The Superior Court of Orange County, California provides all of the required documents and an instruction packet that explains the divorce proceeding.

The best prospects for a DIY (do it yourself) divorce are those individuals who:

1. Have not been married for more than 5 years;

2. Agree about how to divide possessions and debts;

3. Do not have kids together;

4. Possess less than $32,000.00 in property together;

5. Owe less than four thousand dollars ($4,000) together.

If you can answer all of these questions in the affirmative a DIY divorce may be your best option. You can find the packet of forms for your DIY divorce provided by the Orange County, California Superior Court at

Do not forget to read the Orange County Superior Court's disclaimer: Packets have been developed which meet filing needs in most circumstances. There may be some circumstances when additional forms (not included in the packet) will be required by the court.

If you answered no to some of the questions above, it's time to retain a qualified Orange County, California divorce lawyer. You will no doubt have questions and may indeed require representation. For a free consultation please visit us at to schedule an appointment.

About the Author:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Divorce Tips For Women: Get Your Attorney Working For You

By Shannon Glendenny

The biggest expense to be faced by any woman when divorcing their partner is the cost of hiring a divorce attorney. As well as paying the bill a woman should be prepared to not just sit back and assume that their attorney will do everything right for them and hope that they have their best interests at heart. You need to be proactive and keep abreast of everything that's going on.

Keeping in contact with the attorney means that you won't be over looked and that file will stay close at hand. This ensures that they won't forget about your case and relegate it to the bottom of the pile. We have provided some additional Tips that will ensure that your Attorney is working for you and earning their considerable fees.

Your Attorney needs to file the motions with the court. Make sure that they have filed the right ones. It helps if you do a bit of research and find out which motions should be filed and then create a tick sheet so that you know whats been done. If you are paying your attorney a retainer make sure he earns it!

If you need to make a call to your attorneys office then don't spend time chatting to them, rather you should immediately raise what the issue is as they will charge you by the minute for every time they talk to you. Also if you need to ask a routine question of your attorney especially in relation to such subjects as dates of court hearing etc., then speak to one of his support staff. In most divorce attorney firms you will find that very few of them will charge you time for dealing with their support staff and if they do the rate will be much lower than that charged by your attorney.

It is vital that you follow your attorney's advice to the letter at all time. Remember these people have spent a long time at law school obtaining their qualifications and should know what they are required to do. Therefore whenever possible arrange for your attorney to discuss all matters relating to the divorce with your partners attorney. Remember you are paying them to assist you so keep the contact between yourself and your partner to a minimum.

Because hiring a divorce attorney is a very large expense it is important that you keep a close eye on how much their fees are. It is therefore a good idea if you keep a record of every meeting you have with your attorney or any phone call you make to their office or them to you. As well as logging the dates on which these occurred also write down how long each of them.

Don't contact your attorney if you only have one question. Save up the questions until you can ask 3 or 4. This will help to reduce costs. If possible email them through before your meeting so that they attorney can give you precise responses without spending time looking up the information when you are present.

Going through a divorce is stressful. By finding the right attorney and ensuring that he is working on your divorce in an efficient manner can help to keep one further stressful situation at bay. Use the tips above and you will find that you have much less to worry about.

You'll find other articles and Tips like this at Divorce Tips For Her. You'll find the link below this article why not come over and see if we have anything that will help you through your divorce.

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Divorce Strategies - Don't Be Deterred

By Allison Thompson

Divorce is a traumatic event in the lives of many people. They often find themselves in a divorce situation where they feel angry, hurt, confused as well as shocked and betrayed. Certainly the situation can only be made worse through trying to work at a relationship that has no hope of being fixed and instead one should openly discuss with the other what is to be done.

Certainly it is crucial that if you have children then you don't try and make the marriage work for them. There are reasons why some relationships end. Sometimes it's because they weren't the best to start with, others because the couple have grown apart or because one has changed so much that they are not the same person that they use to be. The best thing you can do where children are concerned in a divorce situation is to work it out in the most civilized way possible. Also be honest with your children at all times.

Unfortunately, the problem is that many divorces are that simple as one or either of the parties involved can be vindictive or hostile towards the other. Even in those divorces where this isn't the case the first thing that is going to be of interest to each party after child custody issues is money and assets. In some ways a marriage is very similar to a business deal and that is now being broken up. You need to understand and be able to navigate through any problems so that it all turns out right in the end. So you will need to come up with some kind of divorce strategy and tactics, although not very romantic are a necessity.

Your strategy is what you want to achieve. For instance, are you truly interested in taking the house, or do you just want to get enough of the home's equity in your settlement so you can make it on your own while you go through transition? Whatever your strategy is, however, you need to understand that it is no good at all to let yourself be made into a sacrificial lamb. You may think you're being nice, but that's not what a divorce is about. It's about fairness and justice, and there isn't going to be much of that unless your strategy is to get all that you truly feel is yours by right.

The tactics you use are going to be moves which help you to achieve your strategic goals by the end of the divorce case. Having great tactics is similar to you playing a good game of chess, they help you to set up to win and they can help you to block or react to those moves being made by your soon to be ex-spouse. These tactics need to be well calculated and you should not be overly emotional when considering them as it could leave you open and vulnerable. Also although your spouse use to be nice, the stresses placed on a person during divorce can turn them in someone who will stop at nothing to get what they want. It is important that you don't back down from using your tactics, unless you discover that they aren't actually working for you.

If your divorce is contested--meaning at least one of you doesn't want to accept it or doesn't want to agree on a fair settlement--be prepared for it to take two years or more to have the papers signed. Do not set your heart on a specific time frame or date for final settlement.

Make sure you consult a recommended or known divorce lawyer on all of your tactics and your divorce strategy. Again, while not romantic, divorce lawyers are usually a very important part of the divorce process.

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Divorce Strategies For Women To Help You Prepare

By Allison Thompson

Are you a woman who has suffered mental pain and anguish when going through your divorce proceedings? Certainly when it comes to divorce they can become extremely nasty especially when the lawyers acting for your partner choose to drag out all your dirty laundry for everybody to see so to speak. This is their way of showing that you are not a very nice person and if you have children show you as being a "bad mum".

Thinking of going through a divorce is difficult but when it happens you just have to push on and deal with what is thrown at you so to speak. If you have the right information and are prepared for how down and dirty that it can get, and then surely you will find that everything will go more smoothly and you won't feel as stressed out too.

Below are just a few tips to help you when it comes to preparing for your divorce:

1) You need to make sure that you have all the essential paperwork together which your lawyer needs. The paperwork which you should be getting together is everything relating to the time you and your ex were with each other. Details of join bank accounts, credit cards, mortgage information plus any investments which you have chosen to do with each other.

2) It is important that when starting divorce proceedings you know exactly what your financial situation is. A lot of women make the mistake of not worrying about this and it can cause them problems later on. So spend time familiarizing yourself with any investments or savings that you and your partner made whilst together.

3) Even if you are just in the beginning of considering the D word, it is an excellent idea to find the right lawyer as soon as possible. If you have a good family attorney, he or she will most likely represent you if he or she is not already representing your ex. A good lawyer will explain everything to you in detail and let you know your options; he won't let you get surprised.

4) Make sure that you have issued a new beneficiary on any life or accident insurance that you might have. Many people forget this little issue and in the end, the wrong people will be getting the money that you meant for someone else. Also, make sure that your tax returns are in the proper order.

Hopefully this article has helped any women out there that have gone through or are sadly going through a divorce now. Think of it this way, even if you don't really see it right now there is life after divorce! If you try to follow the tips provided it will help you better understand your situation and maybe even give you the tools that you need to get through it with as little stress to you as possible.

About the Author:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Marriage Cannot Be Repaired - Tips On Divorce Filing

By A R Thompson

When going through the process of filing for divorce it can be an extremely painful experience for all those involved. However by knowing what to expect throughout from first filing to the divorce being completed can make it much easier to deal with. In this article we provide a number of tips on divorce filing which you may find useful in helping to understand the whole process a lot better.

1. Know Exactly What Your Rights Are? - A large number of couples when they choose to divorce do not really understand what there rights are with regard to the assets that they have accumulated. Also it is important that during the initial stages of divorce proceedings a person knows exactly what their rights are in relation to their children if they have any. Therefore before you actually start the process of filing for divorce you need to find out exactly what your rights are in relation to all aspects regarding both your children and assets.

2. Understand The Divorce Process - It does not matter whether you are just thinking about or actually filing for divorce you should have a clear understand of how the divorce process works. So spend a little time finding out the difference between the two types of divorce processes that take place.

There are two types of divorce processes which take place today, the "Absolute Divorce" or the "Limited Divorce". The first one takes far longer to complete but in the eyes of the law the couple are legally separated and have the right to remarry if they so wish. Where as the second type in the eyes of the law shows the couple to be legally separated but they are unable to remarry at this stage. Many couples will often choose to use the "Limited Divorce" process as a way of seeing if the problems can be fixed or not.

3. Get The Best Lawyer You Can - Going through the process of divorce is extremely painful and stressful and can be made far worse if the person uses a lawyer who has no understanding of the process. Look for those lawyers who will not charge excessively high fees and who understands all the important issues regarding division of assets and matters relating to the children. If you are able to then employ, a lawyer who specifically deals in divorce matters.

4. Costs - If you can speak to several lawyers and ask them to provide you with a breakdown of their costs so, you know exactly what they are going to be charging you. If in doubt at any stage whilst you are going through the process of filing for divorce regarding the costs charged then do not be afraid to ask, you do not want to end up with some surprises after everything has completed.

5. Understand The Terms Of Your Divorce - If at any stage you are unsure of any of the terms that are to be agreed in the divorce proceedings then ask your lawyer to clarify them for you. Also, as each portion of the divorce petition is handed to you for your signature do not sign it before you have read it even if your lawyer says everything is okay. So be careful as you fill out all the paperwork and that you understand all the terms being stated within the document.

We have provided the above tips which you can then use if at any stage you are considering filing for divorce. These tips on divorce filing should hopefully help to make the whole process a little more stressful. But as well as keeping these points in mind you should also make sure that you stay in regular contact with the lawyer who is acting on your behalf during the whole divorce process.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Some Divorce Strategies For Men

By Allison Thompson

No man ever things that the day will come when he needs to file for divorce. May be you are one who it has suddenly happened to without warning, or you could be one that has seen it coming for some (over a period of week, months or years). What is certain is that divorce is difficult for a person to go through, and certainly most of the time for a man it can be a lot worse.

Quite a few men after they have gone through getting divorced will tell you not to argue or fight and that the judge will rule against you in favor of your wife, but be aware this is not always the case. If you a man who has not been accused of cheating on your partner or hasn't done anything wrong, then divorce can be a much less painful process for you.

You may well be thinking as you read this "yeah, so what does this writer know about what it is I am going through?" The answer to your question is very simple. Today we all know about divorce because you can read and hear about it anywhere, not only in newspapers and on TV but online and even children are talking about divorce as well. In this day and age the occurrence of divorce is something that has become common as mixed race families. It is a point which is sad to acknowledge but one that is very true.

You are probably thinking about what you should be doing now in order to get ready for when your divorce case comes up. The biggest tip that anyone can give you in these circumstances it to get yourself prepared! Sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help you need to find out what your options are with regard to finding the right divorce attorney or lawyer. If you don't do this then you will end up with just anybody and this could be a big mistake which ends up costing you a lot of money.

A man should remember this when considering a lawyer or attorney to handle their divorce proceedings. These people have chose this profession because of the money they can make from it.. The easiest way for these people to make their money is to actually make sure that your divorce proceedings drag out for as long as possible so that they get paid more for their time.

If you are someone who is watching television late at night and see a lawyer advertising themselves or their company on various channels as you surf them, or you hear them on a radio station constantly which you listen to a lot then avoid this at all costs. You would be far better off hiring "your cousin Vinnie" if you get my meaning. Below are a few tips and tricks which you should be using when you are trying to find the best divorce lawyer or attorney for you.

1) The first thing to do is get yourself a post office box for any mail or letters that you wish to remain private.

2) It is a wise move if you keep any financial and business records in a safe location that neither your wife (soon to be ex) and her lawyers can get to them.

3) If you have any children then ensure that they know you are not leaving them and the divorce is not of their making.

4) You should stop any joint credit cards that you have with your wife as well as close any joint accounts that you have with her. She is going to get upset but this is something that you have to do.

5) Don't spend any money unless you need to. This will bring down your costs of living and it may help to lower any payments that you have to make.

Hopefully you have found the information provided above useful and it may be worthwhile your checking out a few sites as well. Good luck for the future!

About the Author:

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tips On Divorce Filing - You Need A Good Lawyer

By Allison Thompson

When you make the decision to file for divorce it is one which should not be taken lightly. In fact it is likely to be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever have to make in your life. So it is important that you spend time looking for the right person to act as your legal representative during the whole process. Below we offer some tips on divorce filing which should help you with finding the right lawyer to act on your behalf.

1. When you choose to file for divorce it is best not to use the same lawyer who has acted for you before when you purchased your home. It is far better to find one that actually specializes in divorce matters as they will be able to help you go through the whole process much more easily. Plus they will ensure that everything is done within the confines of the laws relating to divorce.

2. Before you go with any particular lawyer to help you through the divorce proceedings arrange an appointment to visit several. Remember you are likely to be telling them things that are of a personal nature and which relate to secrets regarding your relationship with your partner. Therefore, look for a lawyer who you feel comfortable with and who is willing to sit and listen to what you have to say.

3. When it comes to finding the right lawyer who will act on your behalf during your divorce proceedings you need to check out what experience they have. This is especially important if you find that things can not be settled easily and it needs to be settled in court. So look for a lawyer who actually has the experience of being in a courtroom situation and so will understand exactly all the procedures that will take place.

It is therefore best if you can arrange to have them provide you with any references from other clients who they have used for such divorce proceedings. Which will then further help you to cope with what is going to be an extremely stressful period in your life.

4. Also before you actually agree to go with any particular lawyer to help you through your divorce then you need to find out what they are going to be charging. So do not be afraid to ask, as most will be more than willing to tell you straight away what their fees are likely to be. If they do not then walk away.

But even if you do find a lawyer and what he charges seems less expensive than many others this may not always be the best option. Yes shopping around is a good idea, but a lawyer with experience and who charges more is going to help you more than one with little or no experience and who is cheaper.

5. But at the end of the day what is important to remember is that you are going to be placing a considerable amount of trust in the lawyer that you choose to represent you. Therefore even if you find one who not only has the experience and is offering a competitive fee but you just do not feel comfortable with them then look elsewhere.

Finally, it is ideal if you choose a lawyer who you feel that you can have a good working relationship with (not one who is a friend) as this will ensure that the whole process is a lot less stressful. So keep the tips on divorce filing for finding the right lawyer in mind and you will find the right person who can represent you properly.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Girls, Get your Divorce Attorney Working For you

By Shannon Glendenny

When you are getting a divorce the natural thing is to assume that your attorney has your best interests at heart. You need to remember that your biggest cost during the divorce will be your attorneys fees so it is important that you keep involved in the case. Keep in contact with your Attorney and request regular updates.

If you really want to be aware of what it going on with your divorce proceedings at all times it is important that you ask their attorney questions. Below we provide some divorce tips for women which can help to make sure that they get the best service possible for their divorce attorney.

Make sure that the attorney you employ actually files the necessary motions for you especially if you are required to pay them a retainer. Otherwise you may find yourself in a situation where you are waiting for support to be agreed and provided to you because your attorney has not actually filed the right motions with the court.

If you need to make a call to your attorneys office then don't spend time chatting to them, rather you should immediately raise what the issue is as they will charge you by the minute for every time they talk to you. Also if you need to ask a routine question of your attorney especially in relation to such subjects as dates of court hearing etc., then speak to one of his support staff. In most divorce attorney firms you will find that very few of them will charge you time for dealing with their support staff and if they do the rate will be much lower than that charged by your attorney.

It is vital that you follow your attorney's advice to the letter at all time. Remember these people have spent a long time at law school obtaining their qualifications and should know what they are required to do. Therefore whenever possible arrange for your attorney to discuss all matters relating to the divorce with your partners attorney. Remember you are paying them to assist you so keep the contact between yourself and your partner to a minimum.

Because hiring a divorce attorney is a very large expense it is important that you keep a close eye on how much their fees are. It is therefore a good idea if you keep a record of every meeting you have with your attorney or any phone call you make to their office or them to you. As well as logging the dates on which these occurred also write down how long each of them.

Don't contact you attorney with single questions if possible. Try to save questions until you have 2 or 3 and then email them through. This way you'll save money as answering several questions will usually cost around the same as answering one.

Going through a divorce is stressful. By finding the right attorney and ensuring that he is working on your divorce in an efficient manner can help to keep one further stressful situation at bay. Use the tips above and you will find that you have much less to worry about.

You'll find other articles and Tips like this at Divorce Tips For Her. You'll find the link below this article why not come over and see if we have anything that will help you through your divorce.

About the Author:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Preparing Yourself - Divorce Tips For Women

By Allison Thompson

If you prepare before the divorce proceedings actually start you will find that it helps to reduce the stress that you feel. By planning a head you are more likely to make much more informed and sound decisions than if you were to rush into the matter. In order to help you avoid some of the pitfalls associated with this process we provide some divorce tips for women relating to those matters you need to think about in order to be well prepared.

Tip 1 - Before actually starting your divorce proceedings make sure that you get any paperwork that is important together first. So you need to gather together everything relating to all the assets and debts you and your partner may have both as a couple or as individuals. You need to get information relating to all bank accounts, credit cards, investments and of course do not forget the mortgage. Also if you are able gather together your tax statements for the past 3 years along with any employment and pay information you have.

Tip 2 - When preparing to start divorce proceedings know exactly what your financial situation is as this will help you determine exactly how much the marital state is worth. When we talk about the marital estate we are talking about those things which have been accumulated by you and your partner during the time of your marriage. The best way to actually determine how much the marital estate is worth is by taking away all debts which are outstanding from any assets (investments, savings, equity in home etc) you may have.

Tip 3 - As soon as you have made the decision to commence divorce proceedings you should then seek legal advice as soon as possible. Often it is very beneficial to you if you consult a lawyer during the very early stages of preparing for a divorce. If you can discuss the matter with a lawyer who has qualified in family law and can provide you with the options that are available to you.

Tip 4 - It is extremely vital that when you are preparing to file for divorce that you ensure that all your finances are in order especially your tax return. The last thing you want to be faced with just as the divorce is about to be finalized is problems concerning your tax returns as a married couple. If you are in any way worried that your partner has not filed tax returns correctly, then why not arrange to file your own as a married person but with the note that you have chosen to file yours separately from your partners.

Tip 5 - Another essential thing that you need to get sorted out before you even start any kind of divorce proceedings relates to life, health and medical insurance cover. In most cases married couples will often take out such policies as a couple rather than as individuals simply because it saves them money. So as soon as you know that you are going to be starting divorce proceedings you should make sure that you have all your own insurance cover in place not just for those mentioned above but also for your home as well as for any vehicle that you have.

By being well prepared before filing for your divorce you will find that you are better able to cope with any situations that may arise. Also it is vital that you take into consideration all aspects of your divorce especially if there are children involved. Although you may be under some considerable stress yourself just imagine what your children are going through as well. By having everything prepared hopefully your and your partner can carry out the divorce in the most amicable way possible.

If you keep the above divorce tips for women in mind when either considering or filing for divorce then it will help to make the whole process a little easier to cope with. So take your time and do not rush into anything before you have really thought through your options.

About the Author:

Friday, June 13, 2008

How To Find Online Divorce Records

By Jed Elaine

It seems like not so long ago that divorces were avoided at all costs. Nowadays, this virtue has long gone out of the window that almost every other marriage in the US would end up in divorce in due course. Whatever the reasons or circumstances that lead to it, divorce records can never reflect positively on a person's past. While we seek to be indiscriminative with people, we also don't wish to be caught on the blind side of love.

Fortunately, it is easier to check people's divorce records than most people think. Likewise, our own are accessible to others too. Divorce records are public records under state jurisdiction. They are retrievable from state statistics and records departments or their subordinate outlets. We can request them in person, by mail, telephone, fax or online via the internet. As with many other functions nowadays, most divorce records are accessed online, and there are goods reasons for it.

Online Divorce Records are widely employed because of many reasons. Like many a task these days, it is convenient and practical to perform public divorce records searche online. As they can be touchy, another compelling reason it is the method of choice is that it can be done discreetly and anonymously. In fact, they are often conducted from the privacy of the home or office. That way, it becomes virtually impossible to be noticed or caught in the act. The information obtainable through online divorce records are basically the names of the separating couple, time & place, grounds and filing number of divorce, alimony and other settlement issues such as marital assets and liabilities, restraining orders and children custody, support and visitation rights if any.

The 2 basic versions of Online Divorce Records are the free-of-charge (FOC) and the fee-based ones. Free online divorce records are predominantly provided by public offices. While free of monetary costs, they tend to be raw and fall short in terms of quality and standardization among the various government departments. That's why the paid version by commercial record providers is essential when professional standards are required. For a small fee, all the tedious work is carried out and spoon-fed to you so you can channel your focus and energy to other important aspects of your divorce pursuit.

With the internet explosion and e-commerce boom, commercial record providers of Public Divorce Records are expectedly found in abundance on the web. As mentioned, prices are self-regulated at very reasonable levels by the keen competition within the industry itself, boding very well for the subscribers in terms of value for money and overall quality. Review sites are also an ever-ready source of guidance. These guys enjoy referral commissions but they also stake their professional credibility on their recommendations.

About the Author:

How To Find Online Divorce Records

By Jed Elaine

It seems like not so long ago that divorces were avoided at all costs. Nowadays, this virtue has long gone out of the window that almost every other marriage in the US would end up in divorce in due course. Whatever the reasons or circumstances that lead to it, divorce records can never reflect positively on a person's past. While we seek to be indiscriminative with people, we also don't wish to be caught on the blind side of love.

Fortunately, it is easier to check people's divorce records than most people think. Likewise, our own are accessible to others too. Divorce records are public records under state jurisdiction. They are retrievable from state statistics and records departments or their subordinate outlets. We can request them in person, by mail, telephone, fax or online via the internet. As with many other functions nowadays, most divorce records are accessed online, and there are goods reasons for it.

Online Divorce Records are available with the majority of the government agencies tasked with the particular function. It is popular because a great many of us are already on the internet on a daily basis anyway. With this method, divorce records are but only keystrokes away without having to leave your home or office. A great deal of information could be available in divorce records and even at a basic level, it will include personal particulars of the parties involved, children if any, the time and place of divorce, filing number and grounds or reasons for it, asset division, alimony, support, joint liabilities and other settlement issues.

It used to be quite onerous and time-consuming to retrieve public divorce records, even your own. Different government departments all over town, long queues, tardy paperwork, inefficient filing, storage, archive and so on and so forth. All these had become problems of the past with the advent of office automation and the world-wide-web. Today, it's possible to obtain public online divorce records in a matter of minutes, 24/7 from anywhere. Further to that, there are various ways of accomplishing this to choose from to suit individual needs and preference.

First of all, there are the records from public offices. They are the most up-to-date and accurate but could be quite disparate in terms of standardization between different departments or offices. But they are generally provided free of charge as long as procedures are complied with. Another free source is from private outfits. These are often dubious in more ways than one, hidden agenda, identity theft and virus, to name a few. Skip to avoid becoming penny-wise and pound-foolish. Invest in a few dollars with paid commercial information brokers and enjoy the peace of mind, professional quality and service. After all, divorce record searches are usually for a serious purpose.

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Divorce Tips For Women To Help Get Prepared

By Allison Thompson

If you are really considering starting divorce proceedings then it is essential that you are well prepared before actually commencing them. By doing this it will make the whole process go a lot more smoothly and cause you less stress and pain as well. Also be well prepared will ensure that you can make more sound and informed decisions about your future life. When it comes to getting divorced there are many pitfalls associated with the whole process but if you keep the following divorce tips for women in mind, you will be able to cope with any eventuality.

Tip 1 - Before actually starting your divorce proceedings make sure that you get any paperwork that is important together first. So you need to gather together everything relating to all the assets and debts you and your partner may have both as a couple or as individuals. You need to get information relating to all bank accounts, credit cards, investments and of course do not forget the mortgage. Also if you are able gather together your tax statements for the past 3 years along with any employment and pay information you have.

Tip 2 - When preparing to start divorce proceedings know exactly what your financial situation is as this will help you determine exactly how much the marital state is worth. When we talk about the marital estate we are talking about those things which have been accumulated by you and your partner during the time of your marriage. The best way to actually determine how much the marital estate is worth is by taking away all debts which are outstanding from any assets (investments, savings, equity in home etc) you may have.

Tip 3 - As soon as you have made the decision to commence divorce proceedings you should then seek legal advice as soon as possible. Often it is very beneficial to you if you consult a lawyer during the very early stages of preparing for a divorce. If you can discuss the matter with a lawyer who has qualified in family law and can provide you with the options that are available to you.

Tip 4 - When you are preparing to start divorce proceedings before you actually file any action you make sure that you taxes are completely in order. The last thing anyone wants just as the divorce is about to be finalized is being faced with further stress and worry over financial matters. If you feel at any stage that your partner may be facing an audit by the Revenue Service because they have not correctly filed their tax returns then consider filing one yourself which shows you are married but which you have chosen to file separately.

Tip 5 - Another essential thing that you need to get sorted out before you even start any kind of divorce proceedings relates to life, health and medical insurance cover. In most cases married couples will often take out such policies as a couple rather than as individuals simply because it saves them money. So as soon as you know that you are going to be starting divorce proceedings you should make sure that you have all your own insurance cover in place not just for those mentioned above but also for your home as well as for any vehicle that you have.

When it comes to filing for divorce it is important that you prepare as much as possible so that you are able to cope with any eventuality. The more well prepared you are then the more likely you will find that the divorce is much more amicable. This is extremely important especially where children are involved as it can cause a lot of distress on them as well.

In order for you to avoid the pitfalls that many women before have faced when it comes to divorce is to be well prepared. If you remember the above divorce tips for women that we have mentioned above then you may find yourself better to cope with the stresses and strains that this situation can put on you.

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Divorce Tips For Women: Get Your Attorney Working For You

By Shannon Glendenny

The biggest expense to be faced by any woman when divorcing their partner is the cost of hiring a divorce attorney. As well as paying the bill a woman should be prepared to not just sit back and assume that their attorney will do everything right for them and hope that they have their best interests at heart. You need to be proactive and keep abreast of everything that's going on.

If you really want to be aware of what it going on with your divorce proceedings at all times it is important that you ask their attorney questions. Below we provide some divorce tips for women which can help to make sure that they get the best service possible for their divorce attorney.

Your Attorney needs to file the motions with the court. Make sure that they have filed the right ones. It helps if you do a bit of research and find out which motions should be filed and then create a tick sheet so that you know whats been done. If you are paying your attorney a retainer make sure he earns it!

Attorneys very often charge by the minute and have a minimum charge. If you need to ask a simple question such as when are the court dates or if a certain item of paperwork has been received then ask an assistant or a secretary. They more than likely won't charge and if they do it will be at a considerably lower rate. Also try to avoid small talk during meetings, talking about the attorneys recent vacation is costing you money.

You must try to keep any contact with your former partner's to an absolute minimum. Make sure your attorney knows that you expect him to establish communications through your former partners attorney. Should however your attorney advise you differently then you should try to comply to the best of your ability. Attorneys have spent years training and deal with hundreds of divorces a year so they usually know what they are doing.

Because hiring a divorce attorney is a very large expense it is important that you keep a close eye on how much their fees are. It is therefore a good idea if you keep a record of every meeting you have with your attorney or any phone call you make to their office or them to you. As well as logging the dates on which these occurred also write down how long each of them.

Try to save up questions for your attorney and ask them during one meeting or call. If you have 1 question and contact your attorney you will incur a bill by asking several questions at once you will save some money. If possible try to ask simple questions through email once again this will help save time and money.

Keeping the above tips in mind by finding the right divorce attorney will help to make your divorce proceedings a little easier for you to cope with. A good divorce attorney will give you the confidence to know that you are able to cope with this particular stressful time and with them you will be able to plan and hopefully get the possible outcome for you at the end.

Divorce Tips For Her regularly publish articles giving tips and advice on getting the best possible divorce outcome. Below you'll find a link

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tips On Divorce Filing - Things To Consider

By A R Thompson

Along with moving home and getting married another thing which can put a large amount of strain on people today is when they choose to file for divorce. However if you are able to understand what is involved when it comes to filing for divorce you will better be able to cope with the process itself. Below we provide some tips on divorce filing which you should consider if you find that you have no other options open to you and your marriage has failed.

1. Know Your Rights - It is vital that you know exactly what your rights are and have an equal say in what happens with the assets that you and your partner have accumulated over the years. In addition, you need to know exactly what your rights are with regards to access to see your children during the divorce process and once it has completed. If you do not know, exactly what your rights are then you should find out as much as possible before you actually proceed with filing for divorce.

2. Understand The Divorce Process - It does not matter whether you are just thinking about or actually filing for divorce you should have a clear understand of how the divorce process works. So spend a little time finding out the difference between the two types of divorce processes that take place.

Today when it comes to filing for divorce you have a choice between going for an "Absolute Divorce" or a "Limited Divorce". With the absolute process this takes some considerable time to complete, but at the end the couple in question are once again single people and have the right to marry again in the future. As for those who choose to use the limited divorce process although they are now leading separate lives they do not have the right to marry another. Some couples prefer to use this process as a way of trying to see if they can fix the problems they are facing before making their divorce final and absolute.

3. Get The Best Lawyer You Can - Going through the process of divorce is extremely painful and stressful and can be made far worse if the person uses a lawyer who has no understanding of the process. Look for those lawyers who will not charge excessively high fees and who understands all the important issues regarding division of assets and matters relating to the children. If you are able to then employ, a lawyer who specifically deals in divorce matters.

4. Get A Break Down Of Their Costs - Before you actually go with any particular lawyer ask them to provide you with a approximation of what the whole divorce process is likely to cost you. Ask them to explain their fees in relation to phone calls, meetings and letters that they may need to write. Remember they are working for you and money is going to be an issue at this time so you do not want to be faced with any unexpected or untoward expenses at the end when the divorce has been finalized.

5. Know The Terms Of Your Divorce - Yes you have employed a good lawyer to deal on your behalf with your divorce proceedings, but it is still important that you understand all the terms of it. Therefore if at any stage during the proceedings you are not sure what a particular agreement means that talk to your lawyer before you sign off on it. Therefore read through all the paperwork that is sent through to you and understand everything that is discussed within it before signing it.

We have provided the above tips which you can then use if at any stage you are considering filing for divorce. These tips on divorce filing should hopefully help to make the whole process a little more stressful. But as well as keeping these points in mind you should also make sure that you stay in regular contact with the lawyer who is acting on your behalf during the whole divorce process.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Learn the Basics of Prenuptial Agreements

By Cristi Trusler

Prenups are no longer just limited to wealthy couples. People in all kinds of situations and from all socio-economic backgrounds are deciding to spell out their responsibilities and rights before their wedding. And, if a couple decides to divorce at some point in the future, it can clarify how assets and property will be divided.

We should start with a definition. What is a prenup? It is written agreement that a couple signs before their marriage. If death or divorce separates the couple, then the prenup states the rights of the properties of the couple or their legal heirs. It addresses both assets and liabilities.

All types of people realize the benefits of using a prenup and therefore they have started using it. It is not meant for wealthy people alone anymore.

Prenups give rights of the assets to the children of the couple as well. If a spouse dies, the children of the deceased spouse will have the rights to the assets and properties. It will also prevent the surviving spouse from taking control of all the assets.

Prenups can also clarify the responsibilities and the financial rights of each party during the marriage. Consider the situation where one spouse has significant debt. A prenup can protect the other spouse by removing the responsibility of the debt that may have been incurred before the marriage.

If a couple divorces, a prenuptial agreement can help reduce the stress and allow them to separate more amicably. A prenuptial agreement can address whether or not the spouse will receive alimony or spousal support. However, a spouse cannot give up their rights to alimony in a few states.

If a couple signs prenup agreement it does not mean they are not strongly committed to each other. Neither it means they do not trust each other. On the other hand, it may mean just the opposite. It may help you to build a stronger marriage as it clearly states what is expected of each one.

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Tips On Divorce Filing - You Need A Good Lawyer

By Allison Thompson

When it comes to filing for divorce from your wife this is a decision which should not be taken lightly. It is therefore important that you also take time over deciding who will act as your legal representative to ensure that things go as smoothly as possible. Below we offer a number of tips on divorce filing which will help you in finding the right lawyer who can act for you during such a stressful period.

1. It is important that you do not use the lawyer you would normally use when you purchased your home or wrote out your will. Rather what you should do is find one who specializes in dealing with divorce matters. It is them who will be able to help you through the various stages of your divorce and make sure that everything is carried out to the letter.

2. Even before you select the person you wish to act for you during your divorce proceedings it is best that you make appointments to see several. It is important to remember that you will be telling this person about very personal and intimate details of your life with your partner. It is best that you choose one that you feel comfortable with and who is going to listen to what you have to say.

3. Another very important thing that you will need to check out before you decide which lawyer you are going to be working with during this process is the experience that they have. This is especially important if you are likely to see that your divorce will only be settled by going to court. Therefore, you need to find a lawyer who has had experience of being in a courtroom and who will be able to help you understand exactly what is going on.

If they are willing to arrange for them to provide you with any kinds of testimonials or references from clients who they have acted for before. This will then provide you with further proof and comfort knowing just how good they are at what they do, especially during a time that is going to place additional stress on you.

4. Also before you actually agree to go with any particular lawyer to help you through your divorce then you need to find out what they are going to be charging. So do not be afraid to ask, as most will be more than willing to tell you straight away what their fees are likely to be. If they do not then walk away.

Yet you should not choose a lawyer to represent you when you are filing for divorce just because they are cheaper than the others you have considered. In some cases this could actually cause you a lot of heartache in the future, especially if they have little or no experience of divorce proceedings. It is far better to pay that little bit extra and go with one who knows what they are doing.

5. But at the end of the day what is important to remember is that you are going to be placing a considerable amount of trust in the lawyer that you choose to represent you. Therefore even if you find one who not only has the experience and is offering a competitive fee but you just do not feel comfortable with them then look elsewhere.

Finally, it is ideal if you choose a lawyer who you feel that you can have a good working relationship with (not one who is a friend) as this will ensure that the whole process is a lot less stressful. So keep the tips on divorce filing for finding the right lawyer in mind and you will find the right person who can represent you properly.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Public Divorce Records Online

By Jed Elaine

Nobody would seek to have divorce records. Yet, many of us end up having them. To be specific, around 40% of Americans who ever married have reportedly divorced later on. It is heartbreaking to note that even holy matrimonies are falling casualty to the compromises and habits of modern lifestyle. With this kind of statistics, it behooves us to maintain not only an open mind about people but to have open eyes to fix on them too.

Divorce records are legislated as one of the public vital records. As such, anybody's divorce records are rightfully accessible by anyone as long as procedures are followed. They can be requested in person, by mail, telephone, fax or online through the internet at the responsible government agency tasked with the function. Of all the options available, the online method is by far the most popular way to retrieve divorce records.

Online Divorce Records are available with the majority of the government agencies tasked with the particular function. It is popular because a great many of us are already on the internet on a daily basis anyway. With this method, divorce records are but only keystrokes away without having to leave your home or office. A great deal of information could be available in divorce records and even at a basic level, it will include personal particulars of the parties involved, children if any, the time and place of divorce, filing number and grounds or reasons for it, asset division, alimony, support, joint liabilities and other settlement issues.

It used to be quite onerous and time-consuming to retrieve public divorce records, even your own. Different government departments all over town, long queues, tardy paperwork, inefficient filing, storage, archive and so on and so forth. All these had become problems of the past with the advent of office automation and the world-wide-web. Today, it's possible to obtain public online divorce records in a matter of minutes, 24/7 from anywhere. Further to that, there are various ways of accomplishing this to choose from to suit individual needs and preference.

With the internet explosion and e-commerce boom, commercial record providers of Public Divorce Records are expectedly found in abundance on the web. As mentioned, prices are self-regulated at very reasonable levels by the keen competition within the industry itself, boding very well for the subscribers in terms of value for money and overall quality. Review sites are also an ever-ready source of guidance. These guys enjoy referral commissions but they also stake their professional credibility on their recommendations.

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Protect Yourself In Divorce

By Mona Dock S.

It is never easy to go through a divorce procedure, but it is certainly possible to end a marriage amicably with little or no difficulty at all. However, this is often not the case.

Divorce lawyers are the one that benefit from a long drawn out divorce proceeding, which tends to be extremely overwhelming for both the parties involved psychologically and as well financially.

The longer it takes to settle a divorce case, and allow the conflict to continue, and creating huge legal fees for both sides in the process.

If both parties agree during the divorce procedure, on the settlement and other pertinent matters within a reasonable amount of time, with little or no intervention from an attorney, then the final dissolution can take place pretty quickly, before the mandated waiting period is up in many of the cases.

If there are no other options, many many questions about the divorce procedure arise that need to be answered. A divorce process is usually initiated by one spouse (ie the petitioner) and served on the other (the respondent).

The petition is also filed with the clerk of court in the county where the petitioner resides at this time together with the details of the marriage.

The facts that are disclosed in the petition pertaining to the names of the husband and wife, the date and place of marriage, names of any children resulting from the union, separate or community property held by the parties, child custody, child support, spousal support, and any other issued to be addressed regarding the dissolution of the marriage.

A proper divorce procedure mandates that the respondent spouse be given suitable notice that the divorce petition has been filed, either by the petitioning spouse or process server.

The respondent then has thirty-five days to answer or file a counter-claim if require. If both parties agree on the settlement terms, a court hearing is not required and the divorce will be final.

Most of the states has a minimum waiting period (usually six months), and is not waived during proper divorce procedure, even if the marriage is dissolved before this time duration has elapsed.

Remarriage is also allowed until the waiting period is over, which commences at the date of the case filing.

Issues arising out of marriage tend to be complex and the divorce procedure itself tends to be very quite overwhelming for most of us.

Keeping physically and emotionally fit during this time will help keep the stress levels down, and the less legal involvement, the more money in the bank when the procedure is finally all over.

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Strategies For men To Cope With Divorce

By Allison Thompson

No man ever really thinks that the day will come when he has to file for divorce. Maybe it just snuck up on you and you didn't see it coming, or maybe you saw it coming over a span of weeks or months, maybe even years. Divorce is a difficult thing to go through for any person and most of the time, if you are a man, it can be even worse.

A lot of men who have already gone through the divorce process will tell you it's not worth fighting and the judge will rule in favor of your ex-wife rather than you, but this is not always the case. Certainly if you are man who has not been accused of cheating or who hasn't done anything wrong really then divorce can be much more painless for you.

You may well be thinking as you read this "yeah, so what does this writer know about what it is I am going through?" The answer to your question is very simple. Today we all know about divorce because you can read and hear about it anywhere, not only in newspapers and on TV but online and even children are talking about divorce as well. In this day and age the occurrence of divorce is something that has become common as mixed race families. It is a point which is sad to acknowledge but one that is very true.

You are probably thinking about what you should be doing now in order to get ready for when your divorce case comes up. The biggest tip that anyone can give you in these circumstances it to get yourself prepared! Sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help you need to find out what your options are with regard to finding the right divorce attorney or lawyer. If you don't do this then you will end up with just anybody and this could be a big mistake which ends up costing you a lot of money.

A man should remember this when considering a lawyer or attorney to handle their divorce proceedings. These people have chose this profession because of the money they can make from it.. The easiest way for these people to make their money is to actually make sure that your divorce proceedings drag out for as long as possible so that they get paid more for their time.

A little advice for someone who is watching television late at night and see a lawyer that advertises himself or his company on different channels while you are channel surfing or even the ones that you are always hearing about on a radio station that you always listen tostay away from these guys! You are better off hiring "my cousin Vinnie" if you know what I mean! So, here are a few tips and tricks that you should put into practice while you are on your journey of trying to find the best lawyer for you:

1) The first thing to do is get yourself a post office box for any mail or letters that you wish to remain private.

2) It is a wise move if you keep any financial and business records in a safe location that neither your wife (soon to be ex) and her lawyers can get to them.

3) If you have any children then ensure that they know you are not leaving them and the divorce is not of their making.

4) Stop all of your credit cards and also close any joint accounts that you may have with your wife, she will be upset no doubt but you must do what you have to do.

5) Unless you do not need to don't spend money. This will help to bring down your living costs and may well help to lower any payments that you need to make.

Hopefully you have found the information provided above useful and it may be worthwhile your checking out a few sites as well. Good luck for the future!

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Basics of Prenuptial Agreements

By Cristi Trusler

A prenuptial agreement is no longer just for the wealthy. Today, folks of all economic backgrounds and in all situations are deciding to legally clarify their rights and responsibilities before they get married. It can also clarify in advance how property and assets will be divided should the couple decide to divorce.

We should start with a definition. What is a prenup? It is written agreement that a couple signs before their marriage. If death or divorce separates the couple, then the prenup states the rights of the properties of the couple or their legal heirs. It addresses both assets and liabilities.

All types of people realize the benefits of using a prenup and therefore they have started using it. It is not meant for wealthy people alone anymore.

Prenups give rights of the assets to the children of the couple as well. If a spouse dies, the children of the deceased spouse will have the rights to the assets and properties. It will also prevent the surviving spouse from taking control of all the assets.

Prenuptial agreements also clarify financial rights and responsibilities during the marriage. If one partner has significant debt, a prenuptial agreement can protect the other partner by releasing him or her of the responsibility of the debt incurred before marriage.

Prenuptial agreements can also help couples separate more amicably and with less stress should they divorce. While there are still a few states that won't allow a spouse to give up rights to alimony (sometimes called spousal maintenance) a prenuptial agreement can address whether or not the spouse will receive alimony.

A prenuptial agreement can benefit anyone, and does not indicate that you and your spouse are not fully committed to honoring your marriage vows! On the contrary, a prenup allows the couple to spell out what they expect from each other financially, and creates a more harmonious union with fewer conflicts, now and in the future.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Free Or Paid Divorce Records

By Ben Jen

Statistically, about half the marriages in the country end up in divorce. That's why it makes sense to be sure about your partner's divorce background whenever engagement or marriage is on the horizon. It's no trouble at all nowadays to run a quick free divorce record check on someone. Whether it's for your self or on behalf of somebody else, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

A great deal of information can be derived from Divorce Records. They contain the personal particulars of the separating spouses and children such as names, ages and birth dates. Marriage date, place and even time and who performed the solemnization or ceremony may also be available. Financial information, custody, alimony, restraining orders, filing numbers, final decree and so forth, where applicable, are all key divorce records.

A divorce record search can also be used to determine the official marital status. This is important especially if someone is intending to remarry. In order to remarry, someone has to be legally divorced from the previous marriage to be eligible. Often, people fail to follow through on formalizing and legalizing their divorce, especially in cases when it was uncontested and a response was not filed. Also, only certified copies of the divorce certificate is acceptable in most cases, thus entailing a longer waiting time in the application of the divorce records.

Divorce records are legislated as one of the public vital records. As such, anybody's divorce records are rightfully accessible by anyone as long as procedures are followed. They can be requested in person, by mail, telephone, fax or online through the internet at the responsible government agency tasked with the function. Of all the options available, the online method is by far the most popular way to retrieve divorce records.

There are basically two versions of online divorce records. The first version is the free-of-charge (FOC) version which is obtainable from government sources and, to some degree, commercial providers as promotions or enticements. Such online divorce records will just about suffice for exploratory and other casual purposes. The second version is the fee-based one from commercial information brokers. It is recommended when the search is more purposeful, especially when it's serious or formal. It is also generally of higher standards and unlike public sources which tend to be disparate and non- standardized, come with plug-and-play readiness.

Fee-based online divorce records are abundantly available on the internet. There are very good value-for-money to be found if you incur a little patience to shop around a little bit. Competition is keen so fees are really reasonable. Another approach is to check out the various review sites. The top-tier ones are typically very professional in their reviews and recommendations. They do get their cut from the referrals but they have also to put in their due diligence for that.

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