Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dads Life After Divorce: The Pain

By Galilee Barbarossa

Some people think that when it comes to relationships women has it harder than men. Men and women are a lot alike when it comes to feeling pain and inflicting it, except that most men do not show and tell the world how they feel.

Does It Hurt?

It is a common misconception that men don't get hurt when their marriages break up. Society has a set of opinion that stereotypes divorced men as womanizers, infidels, dead beat dads, and irresponsible. However, not all these conceptions are true. Though some divorced dads prove otherwise, some others get hurt during the process. They feel that they have to struggle to keep their family intact, thinking of child support and also has to bear the fact of seeing their children once or twice a month if they lose child custody to the mother. When the question "does it hurt?" arises, these fathers do think so. It is actually hard to cope up from a messy divorce not only for the kids but from their dads as well.

Losing interest with the kids

There is also this myth that came around telling that divorced dads do not care or lose some interest about the children they have. This is not true at all. Fathers always care for their children, some may not show it through affection and some may do, but saying that losing interest with them are proven to be false.

Men are the ones initiating a divorce

Another misconception. People tend to stereotype divorced dads as the ones who have initiated the divorce. Other people may think that men are the ones abandoning their families, leaving their wives for another woman, leaving all their responsibilities behind, etc. People usually think that towards divorced dads, when they should think that women are also capable and sometimes liable for all things that has been said here. There are some dads out there striving and working to provide for their family and regrettably are being cheated on by their wives once their backs are turned away. Not only women feel pain when on the road to divorce, men too feel pain and all these turmoil once the divorce is final.

Another difficult part of the dad when going through a tough divorce is sharing their assets with their wives who sometimes are the ones responsible for the divorce. Some wives may clean out their husband's wallets, and even asking for child support in the process, and some may even have a social worker with them while visiting their kids. These are just some of the turmoil being brought by divorce to these men.

Being a divorced dad means you have to work double time to compensate for your child support and to keep their minds off it. Some take months or even years just cope up with the new situation they are in. There are some who even cut off their social lives because of fear of going through all these process once again. Some men who are weak tend to become drunks or some may lose interest in their lives.

Being a divorced dad does not necessarily mean life has ended, for some, it means to get up, dust one's self off and start a whole new perspective in life.

Divorce is about Self Preservation...

Nothing More...

Instinctually, men and women are different and you know it.

Women resort to playing the part of the helpless victim in need of support from their family members (who can be in large numbers like a pack of wolves ready to take you out). They operate off of high emotion. It is in their DNA. And, when the love is lost or worse decide you want out...well...guess what...that emotion turns to a battle of revenge.Trust me...there is not a man on the face of the earth who would gladly be in your shoes. Not even for a moment.

Don't Be Cheated from Every Single Thing You've Ever Wanted and Worked Hard For It's Just Not Right and You Deserve Better...





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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Child Custody: Something The Whole Family Should Discuss

By Lucille Uttermohlen

Fighting for child custody is scary, and probably something you've never done before. Your divorce judge, however, hears the same stories everyday, and may not even seem to be awake, never mind aware of how important the custody issue is to you. In fact, you may leave court wondering if your testimony was even heard.

Oddly enough, there is one other person in the courtroom who shares your view of the situation. It is not your lawyer, who, like the judge, probably finds your case typical. It is not your witnesses. They are on your side, but can't possibly have the same emotional investment in your children that you do. The person whose feelings are most similar to yours is the person who is fighting you for custody.

Your first thought might be to view this person as the enemy. If she didn't exist, there would be no question where your kids would live. Assuming you are not a registered sex offender or child molester, your kids would share your home without question if their other parent was not around.

There is no legal way to remove your ex from the equasion. This is good from your kids' perspective. They love both of you, and will be happiest if they are free to have a good relationship with each parent. In fact, your kids would be happiest if you can avoid fighting over them in the first place. The best thing that can happen to them and you is to design a custody order that gives you both as much contact with them as possible. That way, no one loses.

When you talk to each other about custody, remember, you both want what's best for your kids. You both want to continue being involved in their daily activities. If your kids are assured that you are each content with the custody situation, they will be under a lot less stress. Obviously, you and your ex will also benefit if they feel comfortable.

Be flexible about the children's schedules. Your court may have visitation or parenting guidelines. This document will tell you what visitation the noncustodial parent will have if the court has to make the decision. However, there is no reason for you not to be more generous with each other. The court will be happy to approve an agreement that maximizes each parent's opportunities to participate in the child's life.

Consider the child's activities. Maybe Dad can coach your son's Little League team, even if he makes his primary home with Mom. Maybe Mom can take your daughter shopping for school clothes, even if she sleeps at Dad's house.

Both parents should be realistic about child support. It is an important financial component of divorce. However, it doesn't have to all be paid by the noncustodial parent to the custodial parent. Child support is ordered so that one parent doesn't have all of the financial obligation associated with child rearing. If Dad uses his gas to take the daughter around to sell Girl Scout cookies, or Mom is the den mother for the son's Cub Scout troop, they are making a contribution. Giving them a break in the financial obligation may enable them to spend more quality time with the child.

Each divorcing couple has decisions to make. Whether they choose to work together, or leave their family's fate to the judge will have an impact on their satisfaction with the outcome. Couples are in a much better position to make their family's post divorce transition as seamless as possible under very difficult circumstances.

There is no one size fits all solution to the child custody issue. However, if parents take the time to discuss their kids needs and wants calmly and realistically, the final decision about the child's post divorce care is much more likely to be the best result for the whole family.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Look At The Requirements For Fun And Rewarding Careers Which Involve The Law

By Susan Good

Many people think that they want to practice a career that involves the law. It is important to look at the full range of legal professions that are available and learn more about what it will take to qualify for these professions. Here is a look at some of the legal careers available and information on the education needed to pursue them.

When someone thinks of the law, a job as a prosecuting or defense attorney may instantly spring to mind. This career can be a rewarding and lucrative one but it does require spending an extended period of time in school. Once a legal degree has been earned, it is then necessary to pass a bar exam in order to become a practicing attorney. There are many different areas that attorneys can specialize in. They include criminal, contract, environmental and real estate specializations.

For individuals who like the idea of working in the legal field but who do not want to spend an extended period of time in school, there is the paralegal career. A paralegal will work as an assistant to an attorney and help with tasks such as preparing documents, filing papers and performing research. Depending on their legal specialization their tasks may include more than that but it will depend on the attorney that a paralegal is working with to determine what those duties will be. They are still required to obtain special training although this is usually at a community college rather than a university.

If the thrill of the courtroom is of interest to an individual there is another career which may interest someone. Court reporters work in the courtroom and prepare word for word records of trials. They are also known as court stenographers. Although most people think that they transcribe trials there are other areas where they are employed as well. They may also record what goes on during meetings, depositions and speeches. Many schools offer courses in legal transcription that provide the basic training needed to work in this career.

Although it can be interesting to work in a courtroom, many people prefer a career in legal enforcement rather than in working as a lawyer. However, they should not think that working as police officers are the only way to enforce the legal system. There are careers such as crime scene investigators that may be of more interest. In order to get a career such as this, it may be necessary to spend time at a college or university taking math and science courses as well as more specialized education courses as well.

There are many different legal careers available. If someone is interested in possibly being employed in one of these careers doing more research can be the best way to tell which one career would suit them best. They can then find out which schools offer the education they will need to be employed in, and succeed at, their chosen career.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Be Sensitive When Child Custody Is Involved.

By Billie Joan

Seeking child custody help can be done for a number of reasons. Maybe your friend or relative needs your help with child custody. The most likely scenario is that you want custody and you don't want the other parent to get it. Amicable splits do not usually result in searches for articles like this one. It is important that any custody dispute not affect the kids any more than necessary afterall it is their lives that are at stake here. In the remainder of this article we will discuss getting help with child custody cases.

Make sure you are working with a competent attorney. You need an attorney who has quite a bit of experience in Family Court, when it comes to custody issues. A "normal" lawyer isn't always the best move for this kind of case. You will need someone who concentrates specifically in family matters and custody cases. These lawyers are far more familiar with the way Family Court works (which is a lot different than Criminal or Civil Court). It is a good idea to seek out a lawyer who is familiar with working with children and what the judges look for when making a ruling of what is best for the children. It is beneficial to have an attorney with gobs of knowledge about working with Child and Family Services as well, due to the fact they will have the know-how for satisfying the Department of Child and Family Services in case they are requested to come in for mediation.

Typically, there are specific reasons that sole custody is awarded. For example, if one of the parents has a drug habit, the judge will order the children to live in a drug free home only. Research child custody cases in your area and others as well. If you are on the "wrong" side of this type of child custody help, this is even more important. Lifestyle changes may be a necessity if you want the case to end in your favor.

Whether or not custody cases should go to court is an issue you will find both pros and cons for. The best way to help your self with your child custody case is to familiarize yourself with these.

One of the positive outcomes of having the child placed with the most qualified parent, is the children will be safe and probably happy. If the custody battle is ugly and/or your personal behavior is negative, your child could be drawn into a very ugly emotional battle. Discuss all your options and any negative outcomes with your attorney prior to making a decision. There are a ton of things that can go wrong really fast when you are in need of collaborating with the other parent for a custody compromise of your children. It is essential for you to keep in mind that the well being of your kids must come before your own personal issues with their other parent or guardian. Keep this in mind when you are requesting child custody help. The more sensitive you are to this kind of case and the smarter you are about being the best parent possible, the better off your kids will be.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Child Custody When Your Family Breaks Up

By Virginia Hammerle

The purpose of family court is to help families that are going through difficult times in life. These difficult times may be as the result of a family breaking apart due to divorce. Since the parents no longer live together, a decision must be made as to where the children will live. The process tries to look at the best option for the child and make legally binding decisions as to what happens to them. The judge must make the decision as to where the children will live. He should call on his own experience in such decisions to determine where the children will live. The process of deciding which parents get custody of the children may take several months.

The subject of these family court hearings is often child custody a process which is designed for both parents to present a case for why they should be given custody of the child. The judge takes a myriad of things into consideration, from financial information to employment history as well as credit history and potential advancement opportunities in a career are just some of the things used to decide which parent will provide best for the child or children. These hearings are meant to provide the best living arraignment for the children involved, which is why some cases can take over a year.

Child Custody can be given to one parent or shared between each of the parents, in situations where neither parent has a great financial history, it is more likely that the children will live with the mother as a primary residence. The father would also be granted some custodial rights with conditions attached to them. If you are a father and you want to keep your children, it is important that you hire an attorney experienced in family court matters. This is the one difference maker for those fathers that are able to gain primary custody and those that won't be able to. If you believe your children and worth the money, consider hiring the best attorney that you can find and have him or her present the case.

Child Custody is largely about making the judge believe you have the best interest of the children at heart, it can be difficult to get this across to the judge in a tense environment. But having a qualified lawyer will make this possible and present the case in the most positive light. This can help you to gain custody of the children and you will not miss out on bonding time that you need.

Child Custody is important because you will shape the child as they grown; the environment they are raised in determines what type of person they become. This includes their ideas, likes and dislikes. If you want your children to become better people and love you more, it is important that you obtain the best legal services that you can find. You can even get free advice and this will allow you to determine the best way to handle your specific situation. Looking at details information may help to provide a more accurate expectation of results.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Do You Need Child Custody Help?

By Luis Hinton

Nobody yearns to go to battle over the custody rights of their own kids. When you have a baby, you don't generally picture yourself and the other parent of your baby having to sit face to face in front of a judge and go to battle to be granted custody or visitation right for your child (or children). Nobody wants that to happen. Still, sometimes it needs to happen. Whether you required child custody help on account of you and your spouse separating and you want to have a better understanding of your options or this is yet another visit in front of a judge because you're frantically trying to be granted full custody of your son or daughter, it doesn't hurt to request some help for child custody.

One of the most imperative things that you must remember if you are requesting child custody help is that you are an adult. Screaming, yelling and other forms of abuse are not going to get you very far. Trying to turn your children against the other parent is a terrible mistake. Keep in mind that you are an adult and that throwing a fit is no longer beneficial for you if you are trying to get what you want. Be kind. Act like an adult. Don't get involved in insignificant matters. Now is a critical moment in your life. Make sure everyone sees you at your best.

Sometimes the police will be alerted for help with child custody. It makes no difference whether you are the one dialing the phone or you are the one being visited, it is imperative that you work together with the officers who have been put in the middle of your fight. If your case shows up in court, it is quite likely the officers' presence will be requested, for giving their opinions or to share their own stories about what happened and why they were called. Being cooperative is crucial. Additionally, it is the law. Trying to fight a police officer will never work to your advantage.

Bettering yourself is just a part of receiving really good child custody help. Be sure that all of your paperwork has bee filled out in the correct manner. Your attorney can assist you with this. It is imperative that you fill out your paperwork appropriately the first time. The last thing you yearn for or need is to have your case pushed back, due to forgetfulness of a signature or forgetting to include a document.

Nobody likes to admit that they need assistance with child custody. When a child is born the parents rarely imagine a day when they may need the law to step in and decide what is in that child's best interests. The most crucial thing to keep in mind when putting up with custody cases is that it is your son and/or daughters best interests that need to be met and not your own. Tread lightly and be you are aware of the laws within your state. You don't wish to be caught without warning!

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do You Need Some Help For Child Custody?

By Gladys Davidson

Nobody wants to go to war over figuring out the custody rights of their kids. When you first have your baby, it isn't typical to see yourself one day across from the other parent of the baby fighting in front of a judge over custody or visitation right of your child (or children). Nobody wants to experience this. However, it is at times a necessity. Whether you required child custody help on account of you and your spouse separating and you want to have a better understanding of your options or this is yet another visit in front of a judge because you're frantically trying to be granted full custody of your son or daughter, it doesn't hurt to request some help for child custody.

One of the most valuable things to remember when you are in need of some child custody help is that you are an adult. Yelling, screaming and other forms of abuse will get you nowhere fast. Trying to get your children to take sides is a big no-no. Bear in mind that you are now an adult and pitching a fit is not the ideal way for you to get what you desire. Be amicable. Don't be immature. Don't get mixed up with paltry issues. Now is a critical moment in your life. Make sure everyone sees you at your best.

From time to time, the police have to get involved with help for child custody. Whether you are the one placing the call or you are the one who is being visited it is crucial for you to be able to collaborate with the officers who are responding to your disagreements. If your case ends up in court, it is quite likely the officers that responded to the scene will be asked to share their opinions or stories about why there were called. It is essential for you to be cooperative. It is also the law. Getting angry with the police most definitely will not be advantageous to you.

Helping yourself first is just one part of receiving excellent help with child custody matters. Be sure that all your paperwork is filled out properly. You can receive help with this from your lawyer. It is rather critical that your paperwork is filled out the right way, the first time. The last thing you desire of need is to have your case postponed farther, on the account that you forgot to sign something or provide some required paperwork.

Nobody desires to confess they need a helping hand with child custody. When a son or daughter is born, the parents usually don't see themselves one day needing to involve the law with their decisions on what is best for the child. The most critical thing to remember when dealing with custody issues is that it is your children's best interests that need to be met here and not the needs of your own. Be cautious and make sure you have information regarding the laws in your state. You don't wish to be caught without warning!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Do You Do To Make Sure Your Children Are Safe During Custody Battles

By Lewis Currin

The reasons to seek help for child custody are many. Hopefully the situation is mostly benign and you won't need a lot of help in working out an amicable custody arrangement for your children. On the other hand, in more direr situations, professional help may be necessary. Regardless, knowledge is always your best option. Here are some things to consider when deciding how to approach your particular situation.

It is important for you to remember that regardless what is going on, your child has specific needs that you need to meet. Don't put them on hold because you are doing battle with their custody arrangement. Whatever happens, don't put them in the middle. Please don't use them as pawns in the divorce, or try to turn them against the other parent. Of course, we assume that you wouldn't do this, but it is always a good reminder. Make sure that you make time for them every day and that you give them the support they need. They are having a hard time with this too.

In some unfortunate cases, neither parent is awarded child custody. Once in a while, if the situation is particularly dire, a judge will award custody to another family member or appoint a guardian from within the child services system. If neither parent can prove that they deserve to be the sole provider for the household, the judge will resort to this less than ideal situation. If your lawyer tells you this is an option, be sure and prepare yourself for it.

There are a lot of pros and cons to taking custody cases to court. Get familiar with this if you want child custody help. The pros are that the children are placed with the most qualified parent or guardian and that they are safe and, hopefully, happy. The con is that your child will be dragged through what could be an ugly battle and your personal behavior during that battle will play a large role in its outcome. Talk to your lawyer about the benefits and drawbacks of pursuing a child custody case.

Without even getting the law involved, there are many reasons to pursue child custody. Knowledge, in this situation is power, as much as it is in other situations. Especially when it comes to learning your local laws. The better able you are to prove your case, the more likely it is that you will win. Don't forget though to keep your child's best interest first. Regardless of the outcome, your focus should be on making sure your children are cared for, healthy and happy.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If You Are Going Through A Custody Battle How Do You Keep Your Kids Safe

By Benjamin Rowe

The reasons are plentiful for why you should seek child custody help. If your situation allows you may be able to reach an agreeable arrangement for your children without a lot of help. If your situation is more difficult you may need to seek even more advice or hire a professional. Knowledge is always helpful, regardless of what situation you find yourself in. Here are some things to consider when deciding how to approach your particular situation.

Keep in mind that your children have specific needs that they will still need you to meet. The stress of some custody battles can make this easy to do, so just keep this at the front of your mind. The children should never be placed in the middle of the battle. It can be tempting to talk badly about the other parent to them or use them as pawns in the divorce. Keeping the children first is the priority for most parents in these situations, but it is always good to be reminded! Supporting their feelings and giving them some of your time each day will be more important than ever. Your child is also having a hard time with this situation.

You might not want to hear this, especially since you are seeking child custody help, but sometimes neither parent is granted custody of the child or children in question. If the situation warrants it, a judge will involve other family members or even child services and award custody to one of them. In this less than ideal situation, the judge will find that neither parent can handle the responsibility of being the sole provider for their household. Prepare your heart for this possibility, even if your lawyer doesn't mention this scenario.

Pros and Cons are both plentiful when it comes to deciding whether to go to court for custody issues. And if you become familiar with them, they can help in your decision whether to go to court or not. Happy, safe children is a very good pro, once the child is placed with the most qualified parent or guardian. Your child could be pulled through the battle, and if it is an ugly one, it could have negative affects on your child. Discuss all your options and any negative outcomes with your attorney prior to making a decision.

Many pursue child custody for different reasons. Knowledge, in this situation is power, as much as it is in other situations. Start by learning your local laws. The more knowledge you have the better your chance for a good outcome is. As always, keep your child's interest at the forefront of your fight. Seeking the best situation for your child to be cared for, healthy and happy, should be your personal goal, regardless of the outcome.

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Stellar Advice For Those Seeking Child Custody

By Levi Choi

When your child is born, you don't normal foresee needing to seek child custody. Unfortunately it is happening more often lately, that the children become caught in the middle of their parents battle. Sometimes, the parents less than fuzzy feelings for each other get in the way of their love for their children and their desire to spend the most time with that child: causing the parents to try to one up the other. Honorable intentions are not always the driving force between parents actions in these battles. Regardless of your reasons for seeking child custody, we all need help, so here is some advice to keep in mind.

Your best option will always be to tell the truth. During your pursuit of child custody you will be asked lots of question, some even multiple times. A judge or a mediator will have even more questions if your case goes before one of them before you reach an agreement. It is imperative then for you to be honest. Be sure you don't exaggerate your answers or flat out lie. Trying to make the other parent look bad or yourself better will be tempting, but should be avoided. Stick to the facts by being honest and straightforward, especially if you are seeking more time with your children. If any lies or manipulation is found out, which in most cases it is, then your case will suffer for this.

There are some very specific reasons that sole custody is almost always awarded. If one parent has a drug habit, for example, it is likely that a judge will make sure the children live solely in a drug free home. Being up to date on current child custody court cases is a good idea. This is especially important if you might be on the "wrong" side of this type of child custody help. Lifestyle changes may be a necessity if you want the case to end in your favor.

Work with the other parent is very important. This will make you both look better if you have to take the matter to court. Look at things from their perspective. I am not saying that you have to give up and just let them have what they want. Do try to find a compromise that takes both parent's needs and expectations into account while keeping the children as safe and happy as possible. Beating the other person is not the goal, remember. It should be about making the situation as safe and as happy as you can for your children.

Seeking child custody help can be done for many reasons. But at the end of the day, these are the two things that matter. The goal of your situation should be to meet the needs of your children. Two is that if you have to plead your case, the more you know the better off you will be.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Seeking Child Custody - Here Is Some Advice

By Melinda Starr

Looking into your child's future when they are born, you don't normal see child custody. As parents battle it out, more often than not, the child is caught in the middle. Often it becomes more of a desire to beat the other parent than it does about the parents original intent, to spend the most time with the child they love. The battle isn't always for worthy reasons though. Be sure to keep these things at heart, whatever your reasoning for seeking help with your child custody case.

Your best option will always be to tell the truth. During your pursuit of child custody you will be asked lots of question, some even multiple times. Working with a mediator or even going to court will mean even more questions. The truth, then, is imperative. When giving your answers don't lie or even exaggerate Adding aspects to your story, to make you look better will be tempting, but try to resist this. Stick to the facts by being honest and straightforward, especially if you are seeking more time with your children. In the end, any lying or manipulating you have done will be found out and will be negative for your case.

Sole custody is typically awarded for some very specific reasons. For example, if one of the parents has a drug habit, the judge will order the children to live in a drug free home only. So look up other custody cases. This is especially important if you might be on the "wrong" side of this type of child custody help. Learn everything you can about what changes you need to make in your own life to help the case end in your favor.

Work with the other parent is very important. This will make you both look better if you have to take the matter to court. Put yourself in the other parents shoes. In no way does this mean that you have to give in to the other parent's demands though. It is important, however, that you try to meet the parent's needs or expectations if it is safe for your children to do so. Remember: it's not about beating the other person. It's about what is best for your kids.

Seeking child custody help can be done for many reasons. Whatever your reasons, just remember two things. The first and most important thing you need to remember is that the goal of this situation is to make sure that your children's best interests are met. And remember that knowledge is power.

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When Child Custody Help Is Critical

By Brett Lamb

Nobody wants to argue with their ex about their children. The fact is that having quarrels with the other parent of your kids can be quite agonizing to everyone else in your family. Horribly, having arguments are sometimes inevitable. There are a variety of reasons for people to fight when it comes to custody issues. When they do, they affect many innocent people along their journey. How do you defend for your children and also make sure they are completely out of harm's way? In this article we will give some advice about options you can look into for obtaining child custody help.

Be sure to get an attorney who knows what they are doing. When it comes to custody matters, you need to find an attorney who has a lot of experience in Family Court. A "bona fide" attorney isn't always the best move for this kind of case. You will have to go with someone who preferably limits themselves to matters of family and custody cases. These attorneys have a lot more familiarity with the operations of Family Court (which is quite unlike Criminal or Civil Court). It is a good idea to seek out a lawyer who is familiar with working with children and what the judges look for when making a ruling of what is best for the children. It is beneficial to be working with someone who also has tons of experience collaborating with Child and Family Services, on the account that they will be familiar with what is necessary for making the Department of Child and Family Services content if they are asked to come in and mediate.

You should be knowledgeable of your state laws before you make a request for child custody assistance. There are federal laws and state laws that dictate how custody battles should be settled. They explain what to do if the other parent moves out of state, if children are transported over state borders and a good deal of other matters that frequently occur. Some states even have statutes that govern who "automatically" gets custody in the interim of a custody battle or when parents get divorced. The more you know about the laws in your state, the more you will be able to help your lawyer and the courts understand why you deserve to have the custody arrangement you want.

Keep in mind that child custody cases are rather volatile. Divorce and other civil cases are less uncertain. Courts do not play games when it comes to the protection and well being of kids. This is the reasoning for having a totally separate court system that focuses on cases that are about children and familial issues. You aren't fighting over an old chair or some personal items here. You are feuding over your children and you need to be a proponent for them.

There are so many different things that can become confounding quite quickly, when it comes to working with the opposite parent on custody provisions of your children. It is crucial for you to not forget that the happiness of your children is more important than the matters you have against the other parent or caregiver. Remember this when you are putting in a request for child custody help. The more receptive you can be to this type of case and the more insight you have to becoming the best parent you are capable of being, the more advantages your children will have.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Family Law - The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act Explained

By Michael Marrow, Nathan Narrows

The purpose of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) is to deal with jurisdictional issues in child custody cases, when the parents and children reside in separate states or jurisdictions. It was created in 1997, and replaced the old Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA), due to the UCCJA's conflicts with the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA), a federal statute. A lot of acronyms in this paragraph, but the one we are concerned about is UCCJEA.

It is important to note that this article is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. If you require legal advice for your specific facts, situation, or issues, you should contact a family law attorney licensed in your state.

So what are the basics of the UCCJEA?

(1) Home State jurisdiction:

According to the UCCJEA, exclusive, continuing jurisdiction rests in the courts of the state that is considered the child or children's home state. This is the foundation of the UCCJEA. The home state is defined as the state where the minor chlid has resided for six consecutive months preceding the commencement of the child custody action. If the child is under the age of six months, then the home state is where the child has resided since birth.

Sometimes the child has moved during the six months immediately preceding the commencement of the child custody proceeding. In such a case, then the court will look at which state has a significant connection to the child and at least one parent, and where there is substantial evidence concerning the child. If more than one state can lay claim to significant connection and substantial evidence, then each state will communicate to reach a decision as to which one should exercise jurisdiction.

(2) Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction:

Once a court has exercised jurisdiction and made a child custody determination, then that court has exclusive, continuing jurisdiction until one of two things occurs. First, the court could determine that neither the child, the child's parents, nor any person acting as a parent has a significant connection with the state and that there no longer is substantial evidence available concerning the child, at which point the court would decline jurisdiction. Second, the original court or the court of another state could determine that neither the child, the child's parents, or any person acting as a parent reside in the original state, at which point either court could determine that continuing jurisdiction has ended. Continuing jurisdiction is an important question when one or both parents initiate a custody modification proceeding.

(3) Temporary emergency jurisdiction:

If one parent absconds with the minor child to another state, then who has jurisdiction? Actually, the UCCJEA deals with this issue to a certain extent. If the state determines that the child is in danger and needs immediate protection, then that state will exercise temporary and emergency jurisdiction to protect the child.

After the temporary order is issued, then the court exercising emergency jurisdiction will do one of two things. If it determines that there already is a custody order in place in another state, then the temporary order will remain in effect until the parents and child return to the courts of that state to deal with the custody issues. If it determines that there isn't a custody order already in place in another state, then the temporary order will remain in effect until the court of another state exercises jurisdiction and makes a custody determination.

About the Author:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting Custody Of Your Children

By Carlton T. Driver

When a marriage gets to the point where either separation or divorce is the only path forward, one of the most difficult aspects to deal with is filing the child custody case. It means that you must deal with a whole range of feelings involving not only your past with the family, but also that you will have to address the difficulties that your children will experience as you move through the process.

If you have minor children in your family it is inescapable that you will need to deal with the nightmare of determining child custody when you divorce or separate. Instead of dwelling on the past, it is best if you can try to look forward to a new chapter in your life with your children. Looking toward the better days ahead for you and your children will arm you with the determination to continue on fighting for your rights as a parent, and for your children's right to enjoy a happier life under your care.

Being Certain That Your Child Will Be Under Your Care

Almost all parents will attempt everything they can to be insure that they will have their children under their care following any separation. If you have either filed, or are planning to file, for child custody, then you should certainly be working very hard on refining the approaches that will help you obtain the custody of your children.

Family Law experts will tell you that the best way to win a child custody case is to be prepared with sufficient information about the process that you are involved in. If you are already knowledgeable about the ins-and-outs of child custody matters, then you are less likely to be caught by surprise by your former partner when fighting for custody.

In addition, if you are informed about the details of the child custody process, you can explain it more easily to your child. You will be able to answer his or her questions on why this has to happen, why is it happening and what is in store for him or her after the process. To make it more certain that you will win the child custody case, you should make sure that you:

- Be concerned primarily about the welfare of the children at all times. Unfortunately, adults can, and often do, turn a child custody battle into a battle zone. They frequently don't realize that they are not the only ones who are feeling the tension that the situation produces. It is always the children who are left with no other alternative but to accept the decision that their parents have made. Although your love for your children is what drives your desire to have custody of them, it certainly does not justify treating them as a form of sacrifice, hurting them on the process.

- Write down all the concerns you have about the intervals when your child is in the custody of the other parent. Documenting instances of things that make you uneasy when your child is with the other parent can be an effective means of winning a child custody case.

- Make a list of all the reasons why winning the child custody case would be in the best interest of the children. Be certain that you not only list the reasons why the child should be with you, but ensure that you can explain these reasons thoroughly during the procedure. This will help you achieve custody when your case is heard.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Basic Questions About Child Custody

By Carlton T. Driver

For those unfamiliar with the process, child custody is one issue they would just as soon not get involved with. Unfortunately, since divorce brings with it the difficult problems of child custody and other attendant conflicts, people are now needing to learn more about certain aspects of it.

The following are some of the most commonly repeated questions from people who are unfamiliar with the subject. The answers provided represent answers collected from various child custody attorneys. While it is obvious that child custody laws are not the same for all states, the following answers are couched in general terms. Certainly, you must consult local experts to determine whether these answers apply to your own situation.

What Does Custody Mean? "Custody" is the determinant that states who is the party responsible for the child or children in cases where their parents do not live together. This applies to couples who are either separated, divorced, or who have never been married to each other but are the biological parents.

How Does Legal Custody Differ From Physical Custody? When a parent has been granted physical custody, it refers to the situation in which the child will spend time living at home with that parent on a routine basis. If the custody is specified as "joint physical custody", then the child is bounced back and forth between the parent's homes.

When a parent has "sole legal custody", that parent has the sole right to make decisions on the child's education, health, and overall welfare (schools, doctor, etc). In "joint legal custody" both parents share in making the relevant decisions.

How is a Decision Made? A judge typically gives his or her approval to a custody plan once it is agreed upon by the parents. If the parents are not able to agree, they will be required to speak with a counselor or mediator to help them work out a plan. The judge is required to make the decision on any disputed issues that both parties are not willing to resolve.

Can a Child Still See a Parent Not Awarded Physical Custody? Certainly. The court will usually issue an order stating that the non-custodial parent be given generous visitation rights with the child. However, this can, and will, be restricted in cases where domestic violence has occurred or is suspected, or in cases where a parent's ability to care for the child is under question.

What Happens When A Custodial Parent Obstructs The Child's Visit To The Other Parent? The non-custodial parent can ask the court for a "contempt" order. The parent who is denying visitation can receive court sanctions. If it can be proven that it was done intentionally, the non-custodial parent may have grounds to sue to be granted the child's custody. The judge usually will first require the couple to attempt to work out things with the help of a mediator.

Can A Custody Arrangement Be Changed If It Doesn't Work? Parents can usually change a custody arrangement if it doesn't work, provided they are able to come up with a new plan and they ask the judge to make it official. If the parents continue to disagree, they can ask the judge to make the changes. The judge's decision is expected to be based on the child's best interests. This can be difficult if the child is being well-cared for or if the custody plan had been in place for some time.

Can Anybody Besides The Parents Be Given Custody Over A Child? In some States, including California, a judge is required to give consideration to the parents first, either singly or jointly. However, a judge can give custody to either a relative (a grandmother, step-parent) or a friend, with or without the parents' consent. This can occur where the judge anticipates that granting custody of the child to either on of the parents would be detrimental to the child.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Child Custody Arrangements

By Carlton T. Driver

When a couple moves to the point of pursuing a divorce in a marriage where children are present, the most important question quickly becomes evident: Who will get custody of those children? It is often the single most contentious issue in the entire divorce proceeding. In the ideal case, the parents will be able to agree on a shared custody arrangement in which both parents share both legal and physical custody of the children. Unfortunately, this is often not the case - in which other custody arrangements must be explored. The following are some of the more common options.

Let's start with some definitions. "Legal Custody" means that the children's designated guardian (parent) has sole right to make all decisions that affect the children, including areas such as medical needs, education, religious questions, and any legal issues. "Physical Custody" describes the right to determine where the children will live, and to the responsibility for seeing to their daily requirements, including total responsibility for their safety and well-being.

Sole Custody: If one parent is awarded sole custody, that parent has complete responsibility for the children's physical circumstances, and will make all decisions dealing with the matters described above. In come cases, sole physical custody could be awarded to one parent, but both would share legal custody. This situation can come about if the life situation of the non-custodial parent is not likely to be one the children should be exposed to, but the parent is still otherwise fully able to making good judgments about the details of their upbringing.

Joint Custody: In situations where joint custody is ruled, it means that both parents will share custody in some way. Shared physical custody requires that the parents work out schedules that make it possible for the children to split their time between the two parents' locations. Typically, a set schedule is maintained, which will help reduce the stress on the children. This can only work when both parents live in the same vicinity, so that the children can remain in the same schools. When the parents' locations make this impossible, shared physical custody must be modified to take school schedules into account, with visits to the alternate parent limited to weekends and summers.

Joint legal custody is usually a simple affair, as it is unlikely that legal custody would be divided into different domains. For example, it is not likely that a parent would be considered capable of sharing in legal decisions for the children, but not capable of making decisions regarding their medical care.

Bird's-Nest Custody: This is the least common form of custody arrangement, and for good reason. While it is probably the best possible arrangement for the children, it is also the one which requires the most self-sacrifice and cooperation on the part of the parents. Bird's-nest custody refers to an arrangement in which the children continue to live in the original family home, and the parents take turns living there with them. This obviously requires that each of the parents have a second place to live, when they are not staying with the children.

When a divorce is amicable, the parents can both share a single second home, since they would never be staying there at the same time. If they were, the children would also have to be present. For this to work, the divorced parents must be able to cooperate on all issues involving the second home, and they must be able to do this and not find themselves continually arguing about routine problems. Since this doesn't happen in most divorces, setting up this custody arrangement would probably require each of them to have to have a separate second home. That means a lot of extra expense and inconvenience - so it is obvious why this arrangement is not often used.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tips To Help You Win Your Custody Battle - Part 2

By Carlton T. Driver

When a couple initiates divorce proceedings it can be an extremely stressful experience, even if the divorce is amicable. With an amicable divorce, the question of child custody can often be worked out by simple agreement, without much difficulty. When a divorce is contested, however, the issue of child custody can become a major hurdle. If you find yourself in this nightmare, there are things you can do to make it more certain that you will be able to win in the struggle to be given custody of your children.

* Maintain a detailed calendar of anything that involves your children, and the daily details their care. You need to be aware of the activities they are involved in, and know what their daily schedules are. You also need to keep track of the details of any situations where your ex was unable or unwilling to fulfill obligations involving the children - whether it involved picking them up at a certain place and time, or dropping them off on time, or other instances of failures to fulfill commitments.

* It is vital that you be as flexible as you can possibly be when it comes to making adjustments to your situation to be able to accommodate the needs of your children - and your former spouse (although that may be a tough pill to swallow!) - when it comes to your children's schedules. Whenever you can manage it, be very cooperative if you are asked to make adjustments to the days or weekends when you are scheduled to have the children. By doing this, you make it evident to the Court that you are making the welfare of the children your top priority, and placing your own needs below that.

* Be ready to present to the Court arguments as to why custody shouldn't be given to your former spouse. Keep records of how much they stay involved in the daily details of your children's lives, and how willing or unwilling they have been to accommodate changes that become necessary in matters that their schedules. If you can show the Court that the children would appear to be less important to your ex, it can help greatly in making your case.

* If your custodial adversary has a history of issues such as poor mental health, drug or alcohol addictions, or a criminal record, these are legitimate issues that can be raised before the court to support your case for being granted custody. If your former spouse is behaving inappropriately with a new sexual partner when the children are present, you can also raise that issue with the Court. Any substantive issue that could adversely affect your children is a legitimate issue for the Court to review when deciding your custody case.

* Make your best effort to hire a competent attorney who can help you with your custody case. An attorney who truly has your best interests, and those of your children, at heart will be your best ally in your case for obtaining the custody of your children. It is also true, however, that finding that special attorney is often an almost impossible task. As a result, you need to have a "fall-back", some resource that can provide an additional source of help you just in case your attorney turns out to be lazy, and simply interested in biling hours while doing little actual work. Another situation that can, and often does, come up with an attorney is that they are simply too busy to keep up with all the important psychological and legal approaches, the kinds of evidence, and types of accusations that work (or fail to work) in the Family Courtroom.

The best way to get obtain this kind of information is to have access to a Custody Guide that has been written by some experts in the field. They should be experts who have ample experience, and the know-how to compile the relevant information, and present it in a way that makes it easy for a person without a non-judicial background to understand it, and make use of it. There are numerous sources for this type of guide that can help you find your way through the pitfalls that can block your route to getting Child Custody. The links in the resource box will provide further information.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Tips For Winning Child Custody, Part 1

By Carlton T. Driver

If you are caught up in divorce proceedings, it can be an very stressful experience, even when the divorce is friendly, and not filled with anger. When you have an uncontested divorce, the issues of child custody can usually be taken care of by mutual agreement, without lots of drama and disagreement. When a divorce is contested and filled with anger, however, the matter of who gets to have custody of the children can become a major combat zone. If you should find yourself involved in this kind of situation, there are certain things that you should try to do to help improve the odds that you will be able to win your struggle to be granted custody of your children.

* Be very careful that you don't expose your children to environments that are not healthy, or that could prove harmful to them in any way. If you smoke, by all means stop - at least when your children are around you! If stopping is totally impossible (that is, if cigarettes are harder to give up than your children), then at the least, you must not smoke when you are with them. Not only is it extremely harmful to their health, but your exposing them to a known health hazard can provide a very effective weapon for your former spouse to use against you during the proceedings.

* If you have started a relationship with a new romantic partner (or are continuing one that caused the divorce), be very careful when it comes to open displays of affection with your new love interest. This is vital, for a couple of reasons: one, it can be very unsettling to your children when they observe this, because they probably still have strong feelings of loyalty to, and affection for, your former partner. Two, the court will usually take a dim view of it if children are being involuntary witnesses to a highly sexualized or erotic environment. You most also make sure that you are spending sufficient time with your children to meet their needs, rather than ignoring them, and spending all your time with your new partner.

* Give careful consideration to where your children really want to live. You should be aware of what their preference is, even if it might not be to live with you. Should your children have a strong preference to remain with your opposite partner, insisting that you be granted custody of them can be both self defeating, and damaging to the future of your relationship with them. The only exclusion to this warning would be in a situation where you have legitimate concerns for the safety of your children if they were to remain with your ex - and even in that case, you must prepare yourself for resistance from the children if you win custody.

* Be fully involved, as much as possible, in the lives of your children during the entire duration of the custody process. Doing this will cast you in the most favorable light in the eyes of the Court. If you seem to have abandoned your children to the care of your former spouse, you will most likely lose your custody battle.

* Do your everything possible to hire a very competent attorney who can really help you with your custody case. An attorney who holds your best interests as a top priority will be your best ally in your quest for custody of your children. Unfortunately, finding that kind of attorney is often a real gamble.

Even if you have a top-notch lawyer, you still need to have a second resource available to you. This should be something that can provide an alternate source of necessary information and advice to help you. By having that, if your attorney does turn out to be mostly interested in collecting fees while doing little actual work, you have another source of guidance. Another reason to have an alternative resource - other than your attorney - is that many attorneys are simply not able to keep up with all the newest psychological and legal ideas about custody, as well as the kinds of evidence, and the types of allegations that will succeed(or are bound to fail ) in the courtroom.

The best way to get your hands on this kind of important support information is to obtain a Custody Guide that is written by real experts in the field. Experts who specialize in Child Custody have the experience and know-how to compile the needed information, keep it current, and present it in a way that makes it possible for a lay person to comprehend it, and use it, effectively. There are a number of sources for this type of guide that will help you navigate your way through the often confusing legal landscape that is Child Custody. The links in the resource box will provide further information.

About the Author:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Divorce Law - Your Family Lawyer Should Explain The Settlement Process To You

By Billy Bridgington, Chris Collington, Drew Darry

Divorce and family lawyers often get a bad reputation because of a few bad apples looking to squeeze their clients for money. However, there are a lot of divorce attorneys out there who really do care about you, your kids, and even your spouse, and the future of everyone.

A good way to find out if your family attorney cares about you and your life is to ask him or her about alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Many attorneys, though it would behoove them to explain all options to their clients, either completely ignore or gloss over the various methods of resolving a case.

1) Types of ADR.

Mediation. Mediation is a form of ADR whereby the parties (or parties and their attorneys) meet with a neutral third party to attempt to work out the issues in the case. The mediator usually is another attorney, but doesn't necessarily have to be. Mediation is usually a non-threatening environment and can be accomplished in numerous ways. Additionally, the parties or their attorneys can agree on who will mediate the case. If the parties can't settle during a mediation session, they can try again or move on.

Arbitration. Arbitration is when the parties agree that they will attend a session, or multiple sessions, with a third party (often a divorce or family law attorney) who will make a decision on the issues presented. Evidentiary and procedural rules generally do not apply during an arbitration. There are two kinds of arbitration, binding and non-binding. Binding arbitration is when the parties agree beforehand that they will be bound by the arbitrator's decision. Non-binding arbitration is when the parties agree beforehand that they don't necessarily have to comply with the arbitrator's decision.

Settlement talks. Generally speaking, divorce cases can settle all the way up to and through a decision at trial. Therefore it pays to start settlement talks early and often, but this aspect of the family law case is often ignored until the threat of trial nears. Many people involved in a divorce do not realize that they (through their attorney) can begin presenting settlement offers even before a divorce case is filed. This type of informal settlement discussion can be very beneficial.

2) What are the benefits of ADR?

Less stressful. Alternative dispute resolution, where the parties can control the outcome of their divorce or family law case, is a less stressful environment. Trials in court can be intimidating, and often this intimidation factor can sway the outcome of the issues.

Less money. Litigation can be a very expensive process, especially if the case goes to trial. ADR offers a less expensive alternative, especially if the parties are really committed to it. Many people would much rather save their money for themselves or their children, rather than give it to their attorneys.

More options. Usually, the parties in a divorce can agree on things and put them into a settlement agreement that the court may not have the authority to order. For example, in some states, the court cannot order the parents to pay for the college education of their children; however, the parties can agree to provide for college education in a settlement agreement, and the parents will have to abide by that agreement.

The court does not make decisions for you. The bottom line is that parties do not want a Judge who has never met them or their children, and certainly did not live through the marriage, making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Through ADR, the parties are in control.

Relationship between the parties. Believe it or not, even though the parties' marriage didn't work out, they can still have a meaningful relationship. This is especially important if there are children involved. Resolving the issues through ADR rather than through trial is an important first step in that regard.

Most divorce and family law cases end up settling. But they often settle on the eve of trial or even at trial. Through advance planning, agreement between the parties, and a common goal of resolving the issues without hotly contested litigation, this trend can be avoided.

About the Author:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

An Account Of A Family Divorce

By Brandon G. Carlyle

I recently learned of a tragic divorce. A good friend of mine was studying in the pre-med undergraduate program in University of Pennsylvania, one of the best programs in the country. His pursuit of a career in the medical field was met with trials and tribulations, but his family pushed him, supported him, and saw him graduate and enter medical school.

In college, he met a young woman from a well-to-do family who was so inspired by his perseverance that she told him that she would do whatever it takes to see him become a doctor and is willing to support him financially through the process, as long as he marries her.

The offer was too good to resist because this was an attractive, young woman who was so in love with him and was also willing to help him reach his life-long goal. Of course, they got married, and life went as planned for about three years.

Unfortunately, after three years of marriage, the woman's father's business plummeted and hit rock bottom. The father was no longer able to support his daughter and son-in-law. Her response was that her husband should immediately stop his studies and go earn a living to support the family.

With only two years left to reaching his dreams, the husband refused to do so, and he told her that he cannot leave his studies now. He was of the opinion that she should stick to her word and provide financial support until he is able to practice medicine as she said she would do.

Unfortunately, she was not interested in bearing the financial strain on her shoulders for even two years, and she sought a divorce. She wanted total custody of their one child without visitation rights for the father. She also demanded total control of all assets.

He was absolutely devastated because she had proven that her part of the relationship fit her only when it was comfortable for her, and she ended up causing more damage to his studies than actual help. Most of all, he could not understand what he had done for her not to want him to visit their child.

Thankfully, he got the courage to object to this madness, and he contacted a fantastic family court lawyer who took him by the hand throughout the entire case. He went for full custody and won, and today he lives with his parents and his daughter in their home. Hopefully, he will soon finish his studies and will begin practicing medicine in his new home with his child.

About the Author:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Child Custody Solutions - Tips To Help You To Win

By Carol Bell

In any separation or divorce, one of the hardest areas will be when you need to file for a child custody case. This is because you will need to deal with a mixture of feelings relating not just your times with the whole family but also have to deal with the problems that your child receives or will experience through the process.

But because it is unavoidable to undergo the procedure of child custody when two people separate and file for divorce, you should stop dwelling on the past and look ahead to a new life with your child. Hopeful for a brighter day ahead of you, your child will give you the strength to go on fighting for your right as a mother or father and for your child's right to have an improved life under your guardianship and care.

Most mums and dads will do anything in order to have their kids in their care after any separation. If you're one of those mums and dads who've filed or going to file for a child custody case, then you ought to be developing by now the strategies that will help you win custody over your treasured child.

Specialists say that the best method to win a child custody case is to be armed with facts on it. If you are conversant on the basics, you won't be easily fooled by the other parent into getting the custody.

Also, if you're knowledgeable about the points of child custody, you are able to explain it comfortably to your child. You are able to answer their queries on why is it occurring and what is forthcoming for them following on from the procedure. To ensure that you'll win the child custody case, ensure that you:

1. Think of the welfare of the child or children at all times. For adults, they are able to turn a child custody battle into a war zone very fast. Little do they know that they are not the only ones who are victims of this tension but the kids who are left with no other alternative to accept the choice that their parents made. While your love for your kids fuels your wish to get them, this shouldn't be sufficient reason to use them as a form of sacrifice while hurting them in the process.

2. Make a note of everything that you don't like when your child is with the other parent. Documented accounts on things you consider awkward when your child is with the other parent may be an impressive tool to win.

3. Note down all the particulars why winning the situation will be in the best interest of the kids. Make sure that you don't only list down the factors why the child should be with you but guarantee that you are able to explain these thoroughly during the procedure for you to win.

About the Author:

Monday, June 28, 2010

Understanding Child Custody Laws

By Carlton T. Driver

When you and your spouse are involved in pursuing a divorce action, and you have children, it is extremely important to have an understanding of the child custody laws as they apply to your situation. These laws establish both the rights and obligations of the custodial and non-custodial parent. Being able to understand these laws can be difficult, so here are some thoughts that may help you in this process. If you understand what is involved in the custody process, it will help you minimize the impact the situation will have on your children.

Consult the Court With Jurisdiction in Your Case

The process must start with an understanding of the custody laws that apply to your situation. Custody laws are set by the States, so it is important to know which State's laws apply in your case, if one spouse has moved to another state. One example of this disparity is seen in the case of a custodial parent who fails to follow the visitation rules set by the court in a custody case. In some States, the non-custodial parent must file a lawsuit against the custodial parent. In other States, the non-custodial parent can ask that a warrant be served against the custodial parent.

The court which has jurisdiction in a case does not automatically change if the custodial parent moves the children to another State. For example, if a custody ruling was established by a court in Florida, and the custodial parent then moves with the children to Arkansas, The Florida court is still the court of jurisdiction in the case. This can, however, be changed by a mutual request from both parents.

Reach Out to Support Groups For Help

Determining the laws which apply in your situation is only the first step in the process. You can find a great deal of assistance in understanding the details of your case by getting help from support groups in your area. One such group is the Children's Rights Council, which is organized in most, if not all, States. Use an Internet Search Engine to locate the one nearest you. If you join CRC, you may be able to receive legal assistance from lawyers who work along with the organization, and can provide the help you need to understand your rights and obligations in the custody system. There are support groups for single fathers and mothers as well.

Make Use of Resources That Are Available on the Internet

Resources available on the Internet can be of help in determining how the custody laws in your jurisdiction have been applied to previous cases which may be similar in nature to your own. Researching online sources may also provide ideas and strategies that you may find useful if your spouse is failing to comply with the conditions of the custody ruling in your case, after it's been decided. You will also find a number of e-books and guides which can be purchased, and can sometimes provide a rich source of facts and explanations that you can use. It is important, however, to make certain that the author, or authors, of a guide are really qualified to provide such advice.

A divorce, and the attendant custody struggle, is almost certainly going to be one of the most difficult phases of your life. Still, a lot of divorced parents are able to make the custody arrangements something that ultimately works to the benefit of their children. Although you and your former partner or spouse are no longer living together, you can, and should, make certain that your children receive enough love, attention, and care from both of you. Having a good knowledge of the custody laws that apply to your situation will certainly be very useful resource in the event that there are future disagreements about the children's situation.

About the Author:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dallas Family Law Corporations Who Offers Great Legal Services

By Barb Rasmussen

If you are a resident of Dallas and are in need of free legal services relating to family law, there are various organizations you can get in touch with for such assistance. These Dallas family law agents assist low income earning residents and other qualifying special groups with free legal assistance.

The Texas Advocacy Project has been in existence since nineteen eighty-seven. The organization works towards breaking the cycle of domestic violence for victims in Texas. They provide free legal assistance to victims of stalking, domestic violence and sexual violence. They work with various stakeholders including the courts, shelters and other legal agents. They provide a free domestic violence hot line through which victims can seek emergency assistance in case of violence.

Legal Aid of North West Texas provides it's free legal consultancy to people living in the north west parts of Texas. Their services are available to those who can not afford proper legal representation. This non profit institution was founded in nineteen fifty-one and is supported by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation.

If you have a legal need in relation to your pet or to animals in general, then you can contact Animal Legal Defense Fund. They run a fund that fights for animal rights and interests. They also have attorneys who will provide you with free consultation and representation in animal rights related cases.

The Catholic Charities of Dallas is a charity organization supported by the catholic church in Dallas. They have been in existence since eighteen ninety-one. The legal department of this charity provides legal assistance to immigrants in the INS district of Dallas. The immigrants must be low income earning and they charge a small fee for these services. They also champion a coarse for the legal rights of immigrants.

Justice for Children is a non profit institution that champions the legal fight against child abuse. They give free legal advise and representation to child abuse victims. Besides provident these services to the victim, they also give further life improvement support and assistance to these children through their various networks. This organization also arranges and conducts various awareness programs to promote a greater government participation in matters relating to child abuse.

Dallas legal hospice gives free legal services to people who are HIV positive or terminally ill, those who cannot afford legal services and people who have legal complications because of their health. The mission of this Dallas family law charity is to fight for people being discriminated against in their work place, school or any other place due to health related issues.

About the Author:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Meeting With A Divorce Lawyer In New York? Here's What You Should Bring With You

By James Thomas

A divorce or separation is without a doubt a life altering experience. In some cases a divorce or separation is amicable however occasionally it will be contested. In either case, it is smart to retain the services of a qualified lawyer with whom you are most comfortable and who you trust to look out for your needs throughout the divorce settlement.

Your initial meeting with legal counsel is called a consultation. It is frequently as a result of this consultation in addition to reference checks that an individual chooses whether to hire a lawyer. To be able to establish the most effective use of the consultation as well as to determine if you prefer the law firm's suggestions and approach, it is normally advantageous to bring all of the suitable info related to your divorce with you.

You won't need to feel stressed about the law firm revealing private details even in the event you never hire the law firm. The American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Responsibility, which happen to be extensively used in many jurisdictions, keep the attorney from sharing information and facts discovered in a meeting only in minimal instances if the info relates to a past client.

Considering that the info that you provide for the consultation is privileged, you may want to think about having the following kinds of documentation along with you:

Any kind of Legal Paperwork Relevant to the Separation or Divorce: when you are already served with any papers from your partner and also if there is already an official divorce agreement then it will be necessary that you bring it for your attorney's review.

Monetary Specifics: the legalities of divorce proceedings have much to do with isolating the marital assets. As a way for your attorney to do so reasonably and also with your most beneficial needs at heart it is going to be beneficial for the law firm to find out precisely what you and your significant other take in as net income, have as assets, pay on expenditures and have as debts.

Prenuptial Agreements or other Legal agreements: If you and your partner have at any time entered into a prenuptial arrangement or an additional agreement that might end up being pertinent to your divorce or distribution of assets then it will be necessary for your law firm to review the agreement as soon as possible.

Documentation About the Kids: In the event you and your partner have kids together then it will be beneficial to help make your attorney aware of your desires related to the care and custody of the children. When there is any paperwork regarding the children along the lines of appropriate health care or criminal arrest information that show neglect or even mistreatment then those usually are applicable to talk about with your attorney. Additionally if the court has appointed a Guardian ad Litem for your child(ren) it is definitely necessary to help make your attorney aware of the appointment.

Divorce can end up being a challenging period for many folks. An experienced lawyer will be able to help you concentrate on the future and also secure a fair distribution of possessions and a beneficial custody arrangement for your children. Therefore, it is beneficial to present a potential attorney with all of the pertinent info at your initial session.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dallas Family Law Lawyers And How To Choose One

By Barb Rasmussen

Families sometimes find that they go through some hard things. One of those things is divorce. There are many other situations where child custody comes into play. Whatever you are going for, if you live in Dallas, you might find yourself in the position where you need a Dallas family law lawyer.

When it comes to your family, you want the best lawyer. Families should be together, and in most cases that is what most judges will go for. Long as it's in the children's best interest they will try to keep them with their mother. However, there are times when it is better for a child or children to be with someone else.

The biggest thing that these lawyers work with are child custody and child support situations. The thing to remember in these cases is that it can be hard on the children. So, try being civil for the children's sake. This is what any lawyer will tell you. However, you first need to find a lawyer.

There are other things as well that you need to be aware of. The first thing that you really need to be aware of is the success of their cases. You want to know that you have someone that can win. If they aren't that successful then you might wan tot think about someone else. In terms of successful this should be someone that can tell you honestly what can hurt your case as well as what can help your case.

The first thing that you need to make sure of is that family law is their main source of cases. Some of them might take all sort of cases, but in order to ensure that they are up to date on current issues with family law in the Dallas area.

The next thing that you need to look into is how many cases they have won. Many of them have had their fair shares of losses and wins. Think about it from this point of view, when it comes to your family, you want to make sure that they have more wins than they do losses. Thinking like that can give you the motivation to find the best lawyer possible.

Keep these in mind and remember to make sure that you keep things pretty low key. Your kids do not have to have to see you in a full out battle. You need to think of the kids while you go through this. Let the judge help and let your lawyer guide you. The effects could be detrimental.

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