Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Incredible Aid With Studying How to Save a Marriage

By Rachel Lewis

Couples are finding it harder and harder to believe in the sanctity and importance of marriage. Nowadays, news of divorce and separation among married couples are as normal as the weather report. And most of the time, the problem lies in the inability of the couple to put in efforts to save their marriage.

Why is there such a thing as "irreconcilable differences"? The couple must believe that it is always never too late to try and try harder to save a marriage. After all, it is what they swore in front of the Lord and of their witnesses.

So what does saving a marriage entail? Most marriage problems arise from the thinking that one spouse is at fault while the other one is trying his/her best to work hard for the marriage to work. One thing a couple tends to forget that their relationship involves an active participation from both sides. Give and take, compromise, and understanding are the important basic elements in making an effort to knowing how to save a marriage.

In order to successfully overcome marital problems through ways in knowing how to save a marriage, the couple must first want it and will it to happen. They must be willing to open themselves up to each other and let go of all the excuses and reasoning they have of not making their marriage work.

An open communication is the key to understanding and compromise. Once both spouses have allowed themselves to be heard and to listen back, it is important for them to pinpoint the major issues surrounding their lives and slowly destroying their marriage. The couple must be able to put aside their differences and join together as a team to provide doable solutions to their problems in which both of them can fully commit to.

Coming up with possible solutions for their problems would not work unless it goes hand-in-hand with the couple's capability to compromise with each other. It is imperative that each of them understand how important it is to set aside their selfish needs and wants, and instead prioritize their partner's needs and problems before theirs.

There is no use to knowing how to save a marriage if both spouses don't give up on their self-serving beliefs and clouded judgments. And sometimes, the best way is to just go back to where they started. If they manage to remember how they fell in love and what made them fall in love, it could help them understand how far off they've become from the person they used to be. Then perhaps try to start again without losing sight of who they are and how much they truly value each other.

Selfishness, negativity and lack of hope block any possible ways on how to save a marriage. And at the end of it all, it helps to just laugh it off and welcome positivity with an open heart and mind.

Both spouses must understand that neither of them is perfect and that's exactly what makes their marriage worthy of saving. Marriage isn't about finding the person who's exactly the same as the other, it is about accepting and loving each other differences and making it work in spite of their own imperfections.

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