Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to Get Your Ex Back? Follow These 3 Simple Steps and Avoid Any Future Breakups!

By Mark Callerson

Relationships easily put people into a habit that's super difficult to break once the relationship is over. That's why it's so easy to fall victim to loneliness. There's nothing wrong with spending a little time to grieve over the breakup but eventually (and the sooner the better) you need to face the world again. With the right mindset, this task doesn't have to be as daunting as it seems.

Step 1 - Be Strong and Accept the Break Up

Tip 1 - Reform Yourself
There are two definitions that go with reforming yourself. You can reform yourself by going back to how you were before (either before your breakup or to when you were single and before you even knew your ex) or you can work to literally reform yourself. What that means is to make changes, real literal changes that will eventually turn you into a new person.
Since no relationship leaves people unscathed from change, it's nearly impossible to go back to exactly how you were before.

Tip 2: Physical Contact. A light comforting brush on the arm or squeezing a bottom are nice gestures which lets your spouse know you are thinking about him/her. Right now you're conflicted because you long to touch your spouse like you normally do but you're so angry you just want to be alone. If you want to start fixing your relationship problems you have to set aside your own anger to try and calm your spouse's.

Step 2 - Give Your Ex Some Space
Are you calling your ex too much and trying to make him/her feel sorry for you? If you are doing that, stop! If you want to know "how to get your ex back", then you would need to stop doing these things right now.
Keep in mind that your ex may need to figure things out. If you constantly harassing him/her, they will not get the space they need to miss you. The best thing you can do now is to leave them alone, stop calling or email your ex. Let them be the one to initiate the conversations.

Step 3 - Stay Social
Don't lock yourself in the room or sitting at home alone. Go out with friends and family.

Feeling pain after a breakup is a natural reaction. You likely feel betrayed and/or like you wasted a good portion of your life because it was spent with your now ex. Don't succumb to the harsh feelings of hatred or resentment. Take from your relationship what you can and be happy that you had the opportunity to share a portion of your life with someone you cared for. If you need more breakup help, turn to your friends and family; they will be there to give you the needed support and love that momentarily disappears with your ex. This experience will teach you to love and appreciate your next relationship that much more.

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