Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tips On Divorce Filing - Things To Consider

By A R Thompson

Along with moving home and getting married another thing which can put a large amount of strain on people today is when they choose to file for divorce. However if you are able to understand what is involved when it comes to filing for divorce you will better be able to cope with the process itself. Below we provide some tips on divorce filing which you should consider if you find that you have no other options open to you and your marriage has failed.

1. Know Exactly What Your Rights Are? - A large number of couples when they choose to divorce do not really understand what there rights are with regard to the assets that they have accumulated. Also it is important that during the initial stages of divorce proceedings a person knows exactly what their rights are in relation to their children if they have any. Therefore before you actually start the process of filing for divorce you need to find out exactly what your rights are in relation to all aspects regarding both your children and assets.

2. Understand The Divorce Process - It does not matter whether you are just thinking about or actually filing for divorce you should have a clear understand of how the divorce process works. So spend a little time finding out the difference between the two types of divorce processes that take place.

There are two types of divorce processes which take place today, the "Absolute Divorce" or the "Limited Divorce". The first one takes far longer to complete but in the eyes of the law the couple are legally separated and have the right to remarry if they so wish. Where as the second type in the eyes of the law shows the couple to be legally separated but they are unable to remarry at this stage. Many couples will often choose to use the "Limited Divorce" process as a way of seeing if the problems can be fixed or not.

3. Find The Best Lawyer - As previously mentioned the whole process of filing for divorce is very stressful and painful. So to avoid making a bad situation much worse then employ a lawyer who understands divorce laws fully. It is best in this situation to employ a lawyer who specifically deals in divorce matters and will know exactly what your rights are with regards to assets and any matters relating to children you may have with your partner.

4. Costs - If you can speak to several lawyers and ask them to provide you with a breakdown of their costs so, you know exactly what they are going to be charging you. If in doubt at any stage whilst you are going through the process of filing for divorce regarding the costs charged then do not be afraid to ask, you do not want to end up with some surprises after everything has completed.

5. Understand The Terms Of Your Divorce Settlement - Yes you could leave it up to your lawyer to agree all terms of the divorce settlement, but a good lawyer will make sure that you know what it is you are agreeing to. If at any stage during the proceedings you find it difficult to understand the terms or do not like the terms that have been negotiated with your partner's lawyers then immediately talk to your own. Also before you sign anything read carefully through the divorce settlement agreement and ask any questions that you may have and gain clarification.

The tips that have been provided above with regard to filing for divorce should help you to understand the whole process a little more. But along with these tips on divorce filing, it is important that throughout the whole process, you keep in constant contact with your lawyer and if at any stage, you have problems understanding something then talk to them immediately.

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