Friday, September 23, 2011

Get Him Back Even If He Is Acting Like A Bratty 3 Year Old!

By Kate Babenko

Do you love your boyfriend or husband with all your heart yet this breakup is unbearable? Do you feel like he is acting like a child and wish that he would just snap out of it? Find out what you can do to get back the man that you once loved and have him apologize for being such a brat!

Do you wish you could just shake your ex and scream at him and tell him how badly he is messing up by breaking your heart? Do you know that some day he will regret his decision and you wish that he could see that right now? Maybe another woman has taken your love away or maybe the two of you had a big fight. Maybe it all really was your fault but you just want another chance. But you weren't a horrible person and you don't deserve this, do you?

Your heart is breaking and you just want to knock some logic into his brain. You ache to talk him into realizing what he did. You wish that he would just understand his mistakes, change his mind and apologize. But every day, things grow worse. He becomes more distant and angry as you try to fix and repair what happened between you two.

Is He Stubborn? - Just remember that most men are pretty stubborn when it comes to... well, anything! But especially after a breakup a guy will usually really dig his heels in and refuse to listen to reason. It doesn't matter how many times you apologize or how many solutions you come up with for whatever his major complaint was after your breakup. He is just being stubborn.

All of this might be very frustrating for you but you might find that later this is something that you actually love so much about him and it is something that can work in your favor once you get him back. You can use this attribute actually, to get him back forever. All you need to do is understand how his mind works and once you have him back on your side you can be sure that he isn't going to give up on you again. But this idea has to be his and his alone... although there are things you can do to lead him to this decision!

Is He Acting Childish? - Think of your ex this way... think of him like a big boy. Think of him like the little boys you see in the grocery store who throw themself on the ground, kicking and screaming when they don't get their way. Often the parent has two choices. Either they can make a scene and threaten the child hoping to scare the child into behaving. Or the parent can act mature and just walk away which often causes the child to get up and begin bargaining with the parent in hopes of getting his way.

When you think about it, your ex really isn't acting any different than one of these spoiled little boys. He is acting out and misbehaving and his thoughts, actions and the things that he has said to you might be best described as irrational. Often the best thing to do is to just ignore the bad behavior and go about your business until he comes to his right mind. Take away your reaction and attention and eventually he will realize how much of a child he was behaving like.

While this is a bit of a simplistic example of how your ex is behaving and why there are some very powerful similarities between little boys and your ex these days. I am sure that you would agree. But the biggest one is that being male they both are driven by their testosterone fed egos and male induced behavior. There are ways that you can use this to your advantage to take control of the whole breakup and work things in your favor.

After you figure out how men and little boys work, it becomes easy to manipulate or control a situation. It doesn't matter if it is the whining kid in the grocery or your stubborn and unreasonable ex about getting back together. The emotions he felt when you two first fell in love are still there. You have to take control of the relationship and bring these emotions back to the surface before time runs out. Sometimes you may feel like giving up or that enough is enough, but with a carefully thought out plan and understanding, it is surely possible to win your ex back both quickly and easily.

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