Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Must Dos and Must Nots

By Jason Lewis

Breaking up with your girlfriend is a very difficult experience for anybody. It can be difficult not to blame yourself for small things you may have done in the past and think things over and over trying to understand why it happened. However, if you actually want to get her back, this kind of negative thinking is not going to help in the slightest.

The first thing you need to do is stop this way of thinking. It's a good thing to analyze what went wrong in a level headed kind of way. See if you can find the faults in your relationship from her point of view, and is there a way to fix them. But, don't feel sorry for yourself or start blaming yourself for what went wrong. During this period of reflection, it might be a good idea to approach it from the point of view of still deciding if YOU really want to get HER back. Sometimes guys are so hellbent on getting back what they lost, that they sometimes miss that the relationship wasn't working for them either.

You need to work on making improvements in your own life. Socialize with others and do things that you like to do. You need to try and enjoy life again. Often, people in relationships tend to let themselves go, so it's time for you to work on making yourself a good catch again. Imagine you are single and playing the dating game. Do some exercise, buy some new clothes and generally take time to make yourself attractive to women.

Keep communication with your ex girlfriend open. It's vital that you balance this right and don't pester her try to hard to contact her. Just make sure you are available. Keep your contact with her small and casual. You want her to get the feeling you are doing good without her, but you nevetheless still care about her and want to preserve friendship.

Don't go too over the top to demonstrate that you are over her. You want to rely on her natural curiosity to draw her interest back towards you and maybe play on her jealousy a little. Going out, getting drunk and picking up different girls every night is not going to make her regret the decision of breaking up with you.

Unless something catastrophic happened, it is possible for everyone in this situation to get their girlfriend back. Follow these steps and I'm sure you will be off to a great start to mending your relationship.

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