Friday, November 27, 2009

Child Custody Arrangements Can Turn Ugly

By Hersey Richards

If you are a father who pays child support and you have visitation rights your rights can not be taken away by anyone but a judge. If your child's mother is trying to stop you from seeing your child because you have fallen behind on your child support payments you could press charges against her. Child custody cases can turn very ugly if everyone does not do as they should.

When you pay support the mother is suppose to use that support to help support and raise your child. The support you pay is suppose to go towards the child's needs. These needs can be things like clothes, food, school, and housing. If you are behind on the support payments the judge will not take your visitation away from you. They judge wants you and your children to have time together.

The courts want to see a father and his child spending as much time as they can together. Sometimes it can feel as though the system is working against you instead of for you but remember the courts are only trying to help you. In child custody cases fathers usually have a hard time.

If you have taken a pay cut and are spending more time than before with your children you need to ask the courts for another hearing about child support so that you can try to get it lowered. After your divorce and child custody case has been settled you need to keep a copy of the visitation papers with you.

As long as you have your papers showing what days you are suppose to pick up your child their mother can not stop you. If she will not answer her phone or open her door for you to get your child all you have to do is take a police officer with you.

She is required by law to give your child to you. If she does not hand your child over to you and you have to bring the police with you then she will be ticketed by the police and have to go before the judge. The judge could become very upset with the way she is trying to make these decisions about you and your child that he has already made. She could end up losing custody of her child.

Some fathers feel that child support is a payment they have to make each month. In honesty child support is money you pay to help take care of your child because you love them and it is the right thing to do. If you and your child's mother were still together you would be supporting you child.

Why should it be any different after the divorce? Even though you do not live with your children and wife is no reason not to take care of your children. Try to spend as much extra time as you can with your children and support them no matter what in all things financial and emotional. They will thank you for it when they are grown.

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