Monday, June 13, 2011

God Save My Marriage Or It Is Over

By Hoogle Yabing

Focus on the plea, God save my marriage. If in your heart you feel desperate and hopeless, turning to God to help you can be a wonderful relief. If divorce is a word that you don't want to hear, allow God into your union. With an open heart and an open mind, you and God can do almost anything.

An excellent first step toward having God as a part of this marriage is prayer. Sit with your husband or wife and pray together about your relationship. Ask God the questions that are important to you and put your marriage into His hands. If you need help, ask at your church or even ask a clergy member for private counseling. If your other half is not willing to go to professional counseling, sometimes a good friend from your prayer group can offer advice for free.

Praying for help with your marriage should start with the bible. There are many verses in the bible that help you to work on your marriage. Like Jesus said, it's the hardness of the heart that hurts a marriage. Open your heart to your loved one and listen to what he or she is saying to you. Keep an open mind and focus only on that person. Do not think of anything but the two of you. Focusing on your relationship can add length to any marriage.

When you are tempted to stray in your marriage and maybe love another person, remember that marriage is a covenant between you and your spouse and God. That person who you might be attracted to and who is willing to help you ruin your marriage, is willing to go against God. If they are willing to help break up your family, might they be willing to leave you and break up another? And do you want to spend your life with someone who's relationship started with destruction of another marriage?

Think of the reasons that cause you to want to end relationship. Maybe you are not as attracted to your husband or wife as your were in the beginning. Try to remember the things that made you fall in love in the first place. Do things together, including bible study. Prayer and study of the bible are wonderful ways to bring two people closer again.

Couples have to learn their roles in any situation. The Holy bible offers many passages to allow a husband to learn his role, and a wife to learn hers. It says that the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does, and likewise the wife rules over the body of the husband. Give yourselves to each other in mind and body and spirit.

God save my marriage is something that most couples have thought at some point in their relationship. If you are willing to put effort into being a couple, God is very willing to help save any marriage.

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