Sunday, February 13, 2011

Double Dating - As An Old Tradition

By Owen Jones

Double dating is an agreeable way to go out and have a good date with your girlfriend or boyfriend and another couple. It also gives your partner the opportunity to meet your friends and it can provide a comfortable, more casual date for someone who might be a little anxious and possibly not ready to go out on a one-to-one date just yet. Judging by the old films we see from time to time on television, even the black and white ones dating from the 1920's, double dating has always been very popular.

Double dating is also an excellent idea if you would like to meet someone new, but you are not quite happy being alone with them yet. To resolve this, you can request a couple you know to come with you too. This permits you to be near people you are comfortable with, while you are getting to know your date. Some individuals prefer to go on a double date first of all, so that they are not so nervous on that all-important first date, because as we all know, first impressions count a good deal.

Going on a double date also gives your date the opportunity to get to know you through your friends. After all, your date is probably just as tense as you are and it will give them a chance to speak to someone of their own sex every now and again. Just make sure that it does not turn into a segregated evening with the guys talking football and drinking too much and the girls getting bored and drinking too much! You must remember to talk to your date more than you talk to anyone else.

It might be a good plan to invite a couple that will say fine things about you, if you really like your date and you desire to meet them again, although you shouldn't induce them to sing your praises, as it will only sound false. It will be better in the end, if you let your date see you for what you are, otherwise you are only being false, which means you're only putting off the inescapable.

Your date will get a very good idea about the type of person you are from observing the company you keep the things they do and the things they say about you. It is a really good way to get another perspective on the person you are going out with or if you want your date to know more about you.

So, double dating provides a relaxed experience when you don?t want to go out with your date alone but you do want to get to know them and people have been doing it this way for at least a hundred years.

In addition, double dating provides an admirable method for you and your date to observe how each other of you interact with your friends and other people like waiters, waitresses, barmen and other staff members that one interacts with in one's normal daily life. These interactions can tell you a lot about someone.

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