Monday, February 28, 2011

The Art Of Seduction

By Rigoberto Dentler

You may learn how to set the mood. You have the flowers and the candlelight, the wine and the cheese. What you do not have is the girl. You aren't sure how to meet the right kind of women for the level of evening you are thinking about. Maybe our tips can help you fix that.

Woman prefer an indirect approach to a cheesy line or a crude proposition. You need to treat her with respect.

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You must start by working on your physical appearance. Naturally your physical appearance will matter a lot. No woman may wish to retire for the night with someone who looks repulsive. In addition to go into thinking that should you be not born with looks as good as Ashton Kutcher or a body as nice as David Beckham nobody will go to sleep with you.

Make sure your hair is neatly trimmed and styled. If your nails are dirty and ragged, trim them and clean them. Use grooming products and there is nothing wrong with a little (just a little) cologne. Please brush your teeth.

Dress to suit the occasion. It's okay to wear jeans and a t-shirt on a casual date, but don't show up dressed that way for a night around town. If you're taking her to a nice restaurant or club, dress appropriately.

Men who have success with women are men who understand how to please women. Flirting is a creative art form that more men should cultivate. Women love to flirt. Flattery is another important aspect of courtship. Just be sincere and don't go over the top with flattery. Women know if you are trying to con them.

It is vital to discover what the lady likes if you wish to impress her. You won't get to first base if she isn't impressed. Use humor (but not crude jokes) and make her laugh. If she's attracted and relaxed you're halfway to your successful seduction.

Always treat women with respect. Don't use cheesy lines, woman don't believe them anyway. Don't try conning your lady with promises you don't intend to keep. Be honest and sincere.

You can tell her compliments that are a little sexual in nature if you believe that she is already very comfortable with you. Along with be rude or crude. Just say things like "I like how that dress fits you.

I makes you look sexier or "Don't look at me that way, you're making my temperature rise." Based on her reactions you can assess early on if you can get laid tonight or not.

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